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Thursday, April 12, 2018

NXT and ROH Reax - 4/11/18

Read on for my thoughts on last night's NXT and ROH Reax.

-- NXT:
- Kairi vs. Evans:
I like the early work.

Lacey's doing alright.

This is going well!

Not bad at all.

- Shayna promo:
I'm looking forward to her reign.

- Machinery vs. Tino/Riddick:
So-so start. Both teams are struggling to get momentum right now.

I enjoy Otis and Tucker well enough.

I was wondering if we were going to have two teams with such similar names.

Fine use of the former ROH tag champions.

- Post-match:
I look forward to seeing how the "Raiders" do in NXT. They're a pretty solid duo.

-- ROH: 
- Punishment vs. Taylor:
I'm giddy for this hoss battle.

Both men are pretty mobile for their size, and definitely hard-hitting.

Shane Taylor is solid. I hope both of these men can move on to bigger things.

I hope they don't have too much flying on this show, since this one has had so much.

Pretty solid!

- Pulpit:
I'm REALLY not feeling Caprice's new direction.

Way to no-sell Lethal's resume.

I did like the reference to Lethal's ex, since it felt off-script. Probably the only entertaining part of this.

- Kazarian promo:
The "marks" thing is getting old.

Not bad.

- Lethal vs. Caprice:
Lethal shares my frustration for sitting through that segment.

Lethal is definitely a solid worker.

Caprice isn't bad at all.

This went fairly well!

- Taven vs. Cody vs. Daniels:
Interesting to see Cody and Daniels working together.

This is a pretty interesting combination.

All three men are going hard here.

Taven looks like an important worker holding his own with two former champs.

Geez. If only Cody had worked this hard against Omega!

I liked the deathlock/BME spot.

This is going pretty well.

I definitely liked Cody stealing Omega's finisher.

Very good work!

More wrestling coming up.

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