Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
- Roman/Braun/Corbin/Heyman:
You can take the BIG DOG out of the Cell, but you can't take the title from THE BIG DOG.
I like that there's unfinished business here.
Good to see both men willing to stand up to Brock.
Haha I think Stephanie has to be mentioned on this show more than Brock.
NICE. That's a big main event, for sure.
Brock is so valuable to WWE they'll literally give UFC free publicity on their own shows to keep him.
I love Heyman crediting Brock for WWE's success.
"Crown Jewel of WWE" would be good for someone like Jinder (if he ever got a push again).
I mean, hey, it's not like anyone else was going to give Corbin a title shot. Although does he really want Braun and Brock chasing him?
- Ambrose vs. McIntyre:
I like Dean's new work in the ring. I don't wish a terrible injury on anyone, but the man needed a break.
This is pretty solid.
These two play off each other well.
I'm liking this.
HAHAHHAAHA great ending.
- Drew/Dolph/Corbin:
Oooohhhh.... interesting idea.
- Natalya/Bellas/Ronda:
I do like newcomer Ronda not knowing how Open Challenges work. To be fair, it doesn't seem like wrestling authority figures have great control over their shows. What's to stop someone from just going out there and making their own match?
- Gable promo:
They need to call this duo Glorious Alpha. Roode's Canadian, so American Glory, while a great name, won't apply.
- Gable vs. Viktor:
Gable is ridiculously smooth.
Glad they're getting some decent time.
I mean, damn. If you can't make someone with Gable's skills a success, there's a problem.
Complete dominance. I assume Roode will beat Konnor next.
- Post-match:
Absolutely uncalled for!! I doubt it will keep Roode and Gable from beating the duo again.
- Rollins interview:
I swear, the whole "arriving late to work" thing is a ridiculous trope in wrestling. I guess wrestlers are such badasses they make their own schedules (including executives).
Corbin should challenge for the IC Title, too.
- Taker promo:
OK, this is actually a good promo. None of that silly "I'm going to beat your friend like I beat you" nonsense.
They're actually making this feel like a pretty big match, despite it not really meaning much to WWE long-term.
OH SHIT! I'm more than OK with Kane appearing there. It's meaningful and honestly will probably lead to a tag match. Might as well get a few stadium paydays, right? And it's a huge testament to Kane that he can go from quoting NSYNC to being a legendary demon.
I mean, Triple H's in-ring career is pretty much over already. What's left to take?
That definitely felt big.
- Dana vs. Bayley:
This is solid enough.
That wasn't bad at all. Good to see Dana get to do more than stand around ringside.
- Authors backstage:
I love seeing mastadons show the power difference with non-wrestlers.
- Authors squash:
I'm cautiously optimistic about the Authors now.
- Dolph/Baron/Rollins:
I like Corbin rallying others.
Pretty good.
- Seth vs. Dolph:
I love the selling here!
Haha it's like they're wrestling in slow motion.
I hope that blockbuster was worth it...
I liked that slingblade counter.
I'm really enjoying all the positioning here.
Ahhh that Falcon Arrow reversal was good.
Solid match!
- Roman interview:
Really? The underdog against CORBIN???
- Ronda challenge:
Ugggggghhhhh I didn't like the blatant appeal to wanting to be like legends.
Haha. I love Ruby grabbing the brass ring!
Damn. I half-expected Ronda to kill all three of them.
Mostly fun work. That six-woman match could really be rough, though.
- Corbin/Braun:
Right? Baron didn't think this one all the way through.
- Elias/Lio:
HAHAHAHAHA Elias burying Raw.
I feel like Elias/Lashley is spinning its tires.
VINTAGE cheap heat!
I'm all for Lio making music instead of Elias. That could be fun.
AHHHH that burial of Lio's size.
I'm all for utilizing Lio more. The MOTH is too big for 205 Live.
- Lashley vs. Elias:
Weird to see Lashley use the top rope.
Haha Lio better watch his mouth!
Well that was something...
- Post-match:
Lio already getting in hot water after two weeks on Raw!
Fun enough. Not sure if they'll do a tag match or not. If so, it opens up some interesting possibilities for 205 Live's roster.
- Alexa/Mickie:
Hmmm, is this a tease for a tag team title coming?
- Mickie/Alicia vs. Ember/Nia:
I was wondering when we'd see Nia again! And back as a face, no less.
Haha making Ember start.
Ember's really solid. It's a testament to how good the rest of the women's roster is that she's so low on the card.
I like the combination of Ember and Nia. They complement each other well.
Ahhh I've missed Nia's power.
Pretty fun.
- Corbin backstage:
GM Corbin is finally growing on me. Probably because he isn't mentioning Stephanie every other sentence.
- Roman vs. Corbin:
Corbin's not bad.
Ha Corbin's got the Superman Punch scouted.
Baron's coming across as a smart competitor here.
- Post-match:
I hope this escalates to a "Roman has to lie with his shoulders down on the mat" match.
- Roman vs. Corbin II:
Hahaha finally bit by THE BIG DOG's Superman Punch.
Might as well make it a handicap match at this point.
HAHAAHHAAHAHAH Corbin still can't pin him.
Dolph, Drew, Seth, and Dean are just going to fight forever, huh?
Pretty fun overall.
More wrestling coming up.
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