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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Raw Reax - 9/24/18

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
- Stephanie/Corbin/HHH:
Ohhhh boy. We'll see if Corbin makes it through the night still in power.

Well at least they were almost on time for the show!

You'd think Corbin would be praised for doing what Triple H has done in the past.

Corbin finding two friends will be interesting.

- Shield/Baron/Braun/Dolph/Drew:
They're pushing the "workhorse" label lately.

That awkward acknowledgement that Dean doesn't have a title.

I liked that promo.

Wait... Stephanie said TWO partners!

I like what's going on with Dean here.

Oh wow. They acknowledged Jason Jordan! Apparently Jason's injury is keeping him out longer than expected and there's no timeline for an in-ring return.

Oohh…. good intrigue here.

- Finn/Bayley:
People have been shipping these two for YEARS.

- Jinder vs. Finn:
Finn's wrestling circles around him.

Hahahaha even Bayley's more effective than Sunil.

- Post-match:
Haha. I hope Mahalicia stays together.

- Natalya/Bellas vs. Riott Squad:Not bad so far.


This isn't bad at all!

WOW. I'm surprised they won, especially post-injury!

- Connor's Cure:
Once again we see Triple H and Stephanie go from villains to heroes in the span of an hour!

- Dean/Dolph:
I love the intrigue!!!

- Gable/Konnor:
Wow. That was dark from Konnor.

- Gable vs. Konnor:Gable looked incredible there. I'm SHOCKED Konnor got a win. Maybe there's hope for Hawkins?

- HHH interview:
I mean, he's not wrong.

Good stuff.

- Dolph/Drew vs. Revival:
I've sorely missed The Revival having a competitive match.


This is a lot of fun.

This is a clinic!

The Revival are making the most of this opportunity. I'm glad to see it.

That was nice - no shame in losing to such a good team.

- Owens Show setup:
Oh no. I don't have high hopes.

- Owens Show:
I like this selling SSD.

This is mostly a fun combination.

Lio's already doing big things! I'm glad to see it.

I'm really glad Lio got a manager's license. He's been a breath of fresh air.

- Lashley vs. Elias:
I question Elias' decision to try to outwrestle Lashley.

This isn't bad.

Elias has grown as a competitor.

Nice story here.

Pretty good while it lasted.

- Post-match:
Lio really gets himself in trouble, huh?

- Drew/Seth/Dolph:
I'm fine with Drew ultimately dropping Dolph, although that would leave Ziggler directionless yet again.

- Ember/Nia:
This is a fun combination.

- Nia vs. Alicia:
Wow, Alicia gets to be in two segments tonight!

This is pretty fun.

Not bad at all.

- Ambrose/Drew:
Man, there's a lot of interaction among these factions on this one!


- HBK on Raw next week:
I'm waiting for Kane, personally.

- Corbin/Authors:

- Shield vs. Corbin/Authors:
Wrestlers bringing chairs always ends well.

I'm really liking Ambrose's changed moveset.

I'm all for this mastodon push.

This is pretty fun.

Rollins' athleticism makes the Authors clash even more fun.

Fun to see Drake involved.

I like this physicality.

This is pretty cool.

Nice Deep Six counter. Dean has really improved.

The Shield work outstanding together!

- Post-match:
Now that was pretty cool.

More wrestling coming up.

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