Read on for my thoughts on last night's 205 Live and NXT.
-- 205 Live:
- Kanellis vs. Lince:
I like Lince's fire. Too often babyfaces don't get aggressive in feuds.
I like the idea of TJP working with Kanellis.
It's great to see a fresh worker on this show.
Kanellis isn't especially exciting, but he shows good contrast with the high-fliers.
Dorado's getting in good offense.
Not bad at all.
- Drake promo:
You'd think 205 Live would have planned more in advance for their 100th episode. It goes to show how unimportant the brand is overall.
- Kendrick promo:
Again, Episode 101 is more important than Episode 100.
- Lio promo:
I like this guy.
- Murphy/Nese:
I wonder how long this alliance will last, with Nese wanting the title.
- Mustafa vs. Hideo:
I can't help but cringe a bit at using a hurricanrana and plancha in a heated grudge match.
I definitely like Hideo's ruthlessness.
These two definitely work together well.
Mustafa's really having a good showing here.
I enjoy a brawl spilling out into the crowd.
Itami looks like a badass on this show, wrestling people close to his size.
That was a badass tornado DDT.
Pretty badass work.
- Match next week:
Wow. Ali could be on a roll!
-- NXT:
- UE/EC3:
UE is one of my favorite factions. I think people will remember them for a while.
Good enough.
- EC3 vs. Cole:
Fine work early.
Pretty good work here.
Wow. Didn't expect that result.
- Post-match:
Yeah this is what happens when you challenge UE alone.
- Cross backstage:
I'm ready for this to wrap up.
- Mia vs. Aliyah:
Wow. Aliyah being able to do this much against Mia after those MYC showings is crazy.
NICE win.
- Bianca/Regal/UE:
Bianca vs. Sane could really be fun.
I'm excited to see Fish back in action.
- Ohno squash:
Ahhhh good to see Kassius look like a badass.
Nice showing. I wonder where he goes after Riddle beats him.
- Cross again:
I hope this ends soon.
- Riddle next week:
I'm surprised he'll be in action before WarGames. I'm ready, though.
- Regal, et al:
I'd definitely like to see Dream and Lars in the title picture.
Wow this is wild.
More wrestling coming up.
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