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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Raw Reax - 1/21/19

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
- Brock/Heyman/Vince/Braun/Finn:
I wouldn't be shocked if we see this same scene on the road to Royal Rumble 2020.

It's good to see them elevate Finn (before Brock pins him clean Sunday).

I like Heyman selling this as Brock having to switch gears. Certainly a last-minute change to a UFC fight would change things drastically.

Heyman's promos are at another level.

Oooooh. Vince adds intrigue.

Hahahah Vince burying Balor. Great. I hope AEW wakes him up to valuing certain talents.

I'm glad Strowman's not totally out of the picture.

They're really pushing Cena as a legend now.

- Finn vs. Braun:
A little surprised Braun's competing with the whole "not totally cleared" business.

Balor's really doing a lot of moving here.

I half-expect Brock to beat both men.


- Lio/Lashley/Crews:
I like the contrast with others doing open challenges.

I hope Apollo can become the force Lashley is.

Lio's shade game is strong.

Not bad!

- Lashley vs. Crews:
Nice to see Apollo being featured. Here's that change the McMahons mentioned.

Oh. Well. Perhaps I spoke too soon.

- Post-match:
I'd be fine seeing this as a Universal Title feud this summer.

- Seth/Drew:
It feels a little exploitative to use MLK for a wrestling promo.

Rollins can be a big deal.

Drew can be a big deal too. That was good.

- Seth vs. Drew:
This is solid, as expected.

Both men are really impressive.

Pretty enjoyable.

- Revival/Vince/Hawkins:
How convenient of Curt to walk by!

- Ambrose promo:
Oooooh…. yeah that's not a good comparison. If you have to get heat on someone with leukemia and an assassinated politician, there's a problem.

I do like Dean's new focus after all he put his body through.

- LHP vs. Jinder/Singhs:
I'm starting to think WWE's in for a six-man tag division.

LHP are really, really good.

Impressive showcase.

- EC3/Dana:
Hey he did get on TV at least.

- Elias/Corbin:
BARON CORBIN STILL EXISTS. He could really benefit from something fresh.

I hope this feud wraps up soon.

- Elias vs. Corbin:
Whoa. Old School-esque.

Bleeeeeeh. If Elias wasn't so over for his promos, I wouldn't object to this being on Main Event.

- Moment of Bliss:
Wow that peace didn't last long.

Hahaha everyone just coming out for three seconds.


I was wondering if they'd put Lacey in the Rumble. Good to introduce her here.

- Titus promo:
Literally what. Was this a rib or something?

- HM vs. Ascension:
I was going to say HM better hope they don't end up like their opponents here, but Konnor and Viktor have gotten steady work so I guess it could be worse.

I'm glad the Worm continued. I wonder what Scotty thinks?

Pretty fun.

- Roode/Gable vs. Revival:
Well at least Hawkins can't lose this match, right?

Pretty fun work.

Hahaha can't fool Hawkins.

If The Revival lose to Hawkins, I'll officially believe the "burial" rumors.

- Post-match:
I unironically marked out for the Hawkins/Ryder reunion.

- Ronda interview:
I like Rousey's persona.

- Sasha promo:
I like her firing back like that.

- Ronda/Natalya vs. Sasha/Bayley:
Sasha's bold.

Nice work here.

Both teams working together well.

I like what all four women bring to the table.

That was good!

- Post-match:
Good sell for Sunday.

More wrestling coming up.

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