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Thursday, February 21, 2019

NXT and ROH Reax - 2/20/19

Read on for my thoughts on last night's NXT and ROH.
-- NXT:
- Aleister vs. Strong:
Oh this should be fun.

Strong's a ring general, for sure.

I love the selling of Strong's back attacks.

It's cool how Black can pull from a number of different styles. He hits hard, but he can fly, too.

I like Roderick's tenacity.

Good work! Both men looked good here.

- Post-match:
Haha that's why you don't come at Black alone.

Ooh this could be a fun combination.

- Bianca promo:
YES I like this attitude.

- Dusty Classic returning:
Fine by me. It will be good for some of those names to get TV experience.

- Mia vs. Xia:
Smooth start.

Wow. Good work here.

Not bad at all!

- Post-match:
Someone needs to enforce the law here!

Yeah I'm glad the Horsewomen aren't going down to some rookies.

- DIY/Candice:
I'm curious where these names fit in going forward.

- Riddle interview:
I like this philosophy from The Original Bro.

I'm all for him going for the title.

- Shayna/Mia next week:
Works for me.

- Gargano vs. Dream:
I'm a sucker for a feeling-out process to start a match.

Hahaha that top rope fakeout.

This is going well.

These two are working together pretty well.

I like how these two play off each other.

This is nice. They have each other scouted.

Ha. Johnny stealing Dean's clothesline since he's abandoned it.

That was nice!!!

-- ROH:
- Saurus vs. Sabin vs. Flip vs. King vs. Taylor vs. Rhett:
ROH back at it with the random multi-man matches.

Interesting Sabin/Saurus segment.

This is kind of a mess, honestly. The action's good, though.

I miss Flip.

Luchasaurus is growing on me.

This is mostly fun.

And here's your multi-man dive spot.

I guess DQs don't exist in this style of match.

Good to see Titus show his skills.

Not bad at all!

- Friends announcement:
This was taped so long ago I don't even remember what was going on with Trent.

- Bouncers vs. Kross/Garrison:
Looks like we're in for a Bouncers showcase.

Fine to show off what the Bouncers do well at.

Fairly mundane after that hot opener, but it established Bruiser and Milonas.

- Chuckie promo:
Now that's a good substitute.

- Briscoes vs. Chuckie/Cabana:
Glad to see this one being hot.


The Briscoes are methodical.

I'm enjoying seeing Colt here.

I look forward to seeing more of the Friends in AEW.

The Briscoes are still performing at a high level after all this time in ROH. I'd think they'd be burned out.

Pretty fun! Good work from both sides.

- Post-match:
Ha. Here's your receipt for going to AEW!

Pretty fun.

- Lethal/Lifeblood:
LOL ROH is definitely degrading without The Elite.

Yes definitely get rid of Bully.

I don't think I'll complain if you get rid of Taven and The Kingdom, too.

So wait the new faction-of-the-year is having friction with faces already?

I like Lethal putting over the Lifeblood members who apparently don't talk. He's bland as all get out, but it counts for something.

GOD some heel needs to interrupt this. There's no drama to them all being BFFs.

Ooooooooh a ten-man tag could be fun.

Wow. We'll see where this goes next, but the match should be good.

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