Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
- Seth/AOP:
I love this side of Seth!
Seth still thinks he's a babyface, which makes this even better.
- Karl/Luke promo:
Money. Simple, effective build.
- Raiders vs. Karl/Luke:
Good work already.
This is solid.
I liked that a lot!
- Rowan interview:
That was good.
- OC promo:
Glad they're following up Karl and Luke's big win.
Good setup for the main event.
- Rowan squash:
I love the selling of Rowan as a beast.
Fun stuff.
- Andrade/Vega interview:
Oooooh Charly went there.
I liked that. Again, wins and losses have meaning now!
- Liv promo:
I'm good with her being someone new. About time.
- Lashley/Lana:
This storyline keeps getting crazier.
Very weird!
- Truth promo:
I fucking love this.
- Gauntlet match:
-- Truth vs. Akira:
I like this combination.
Good to have the younger man get the win.
-- Post-segment:
That would have been an opportune time to become a new champion.
-- Akira vs. Ricochet:
I love this!
This is solid.
That was pretty fun.
-- Ricochet vs. M. Hardy:
I really hope Ricochet wins.
This is an interesting combination.
These two work together well. There's a nice contrast here.
That was also good.
-- Ricochet vs. Humberto:
Very impressive athleticism, as expected.
I'm enjoying this.
Nice of Zelina to stop by.
Both men look good here.
I'm liking this a lot.
That was all good!
-- Humberto vs. Andrade:
Oh. Interesting.
- Post-match:
Hahahahahhaahahahahaha I love Seth's reasoning.
I love this side of Seth!
- Seth/AOP interview:
Oooooh. Interesting.
- Orton promo:
Good sell of AJ's past.
- Purrazzo promo:
Oh nice we're finally going to see her do something.
- Asuka vs. Deonna:
I liked that start!
Oh Purrazzo messed with the wrong woman.
I love this! Deonna's game, but no match for Asuka.
That was badass.
- Becky interview:
Good wrinkle to this feud.
I'm all for another Becky-Asuka bout.
- Rey promo:
That was good. Things are being built well. Smackdown, take notes.
- Orton vs. AJ:
Good start.
I like the story here.
There's really solid psychology in this one.
I like how these two work together.
NICE RKO counter.
I liked that ending.
- Post-match:
Looks like we're in for a STRAIGHT UP. SIX MAN. TAG TEAM MATCH. Good continuity.
More wrestling coming up.
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