- Riddle/Corbin:
I'm VERY glad we're getting focused Matt Riddle.
Nice babyface promo.
I've never heard that frostbite story. We'll go with it, though.
Ahh Corbin is a natural heel.
I like how they play off each other.
Nice move from Corbin to volunteer someone else.
- Riddle vs. JoMo:
I see some comparisons in their personalities.
I'm liking this one early.
Very impressive athleticism.
This is great to build The Bro.
I'm really liking what both men are showing here.
Glad to see them getting to show what they're capable of.
Very, very good match. Matt's in line for big things.
- Post-match:
NICE. AJ establishing his heelness.
- Corbin/JoMo/Miz:
Intriguing. I can definitely see a heel authority figure not liking Matt's ways. John Laurinaitis time?
- AJ vs. Gulak:
Again, AJ making it clear he's the heel.
More smooth ring work.
This is fun. Nice psychology.
I love the submissions!
After watching AJ for so many years in Impact, I'm pleasantly surprised he's made such a good heel.
This is very good!
I'm really enjoying them getting the time to tell a strong story in the ring.
Very good work. I'm glad Gulak stayed.
- Sasha/Bayley/Alexa/Nikki:
I'm enjoying these two but hope they don't get overexposed.
HAHAHAHAHAHA Undertaker calling Bayley.
I love it.
That was great.
Alexa and Cross were fine, too.
Solid work.
- Bayley vs. Bliss:
This is fittingly more physical rather than trying to prove who's the better worker.
Oh. Guess we're in for a straight up tag team match.
- Braun promo:
I enjoy this side of Braun. He recognizes his past.
Extreme Rules could be quite interesting.
- Kofi vs. Shinsuke:
Good start.
I liked Cesaro's reaction to Big E being sent to the back.
Nice back and forth.
That was solid enough.
- Post-match:
Looks like we're getting a random tables match at Extreme Rules.
- Toast:
Sheamus getting pretty personal.
I love Sheamus presenting himself as the hero here.
Ehhhh. Jeff's response wasn't great. The bartender didn't really deserve being attacked.
More wrestling coming up.
I'm enjoying these two but hope they don't get overexposed.
HAHAHAHAHAHA Undertaker calling Bayley.
I love it.
That was great.
Alexa and Cross were fine, too.
Solid work.
- Bayley vs. Bliss:
This is fittingly more physical rather than trying to prove who's the better worker.
Oh. Guess we're in for a straight up tag team match.
- Braun promo:
I enjoy this side of Braun. He recognizes his past.
Extreme Rules could be quite interesting.
- Kofi vs. Shinsuke:
Good start.
I liked Cesaro's reaction to Big E being sent to the back.
Nice back and forth.
That was solid enough.
- Post-match:
Looks like we're getting a random tables match at Extreme Rules.
- Toast:
Sheamus getting pretty personal.
I love Sheamus presenting himself as the hero here.
Ehhhh. Jeff's response wasn't great. The bartender didn't really deserve being attacked.
More wrestling coming up.
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