Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
- Orton promo:
A little surprised they're starting with Orton, but I can see them wanting to get fans hooked early.
RIGHT? Time for Orton to put himself at the level of those greats.
I mean, really? It took Orton this long to notice he's not champion?
I like the comparison between Chosen One McIntyre and how protected Orton was in his early career.
Frankly, Orton should be challenging Lesnar or Taker to knock off another legend. That's much bigger than yet another world title.
- Nia/Shayna:
Wow Nia didn't waste any time, huh?
I am glad people want to win titles. You'd think that would be a given.
That was nice!
- Profits promo:
I liked this. Again, titles and winning matches presented as important. You know, like the fans who keep tuning out said they wanted.
- Raiders vs. Ricochet/Cedric vs. Angel/Andrade:
I liked that start.
Solid work so far.
Hahaha I like Angel and Andrade cheering their opponents beating each other up.
And I like that it backfired!
I really liked the teamwork to take out Garza.
This feels fresh for the triple threat format. It's not like Ricochet and Andrade are both faces.
Glad this is getting some good time.
I like how all these styles collide.
That was pretty impressive!
- Post-match:
I'm very glad Andrade and Angel are consistently on the same page now.
- Nia vs. Shayna:
Pretty cool.
- Post-match:
I enjoy this level of chaos. Allegedly that's what fans have been wanting for a long time.
- Seth/Murphy:
I love this direction for him.
- Henry/Ruby/Bianca:
This Nation of Domination reboot idea is intriguing but odd. I'm not sure it's the way to go.
- Seth/Murphy/Dominik/Black:
Right??? How many times are the Mysterios and others going to derail his sermons?
I LOVE the man who hurts people claiming he doesn't want to hurt people.
I love Seth wanting to talk it out. He genuinely believes he's doing his best here. Fans wanted complex characters. Here you go.
AAHHHHH Dominik is gutsy. I like that Seth genuinely gave him a free shot. Turn the other cheek and all that.
Dominik brought this on himself!!
Wow. Murphy is quite the devoted follower, and this is getting pretty violent!
That was nice.
- Ali/Truth:
I can't help but be skeptical of Ali being featured. It looks like right now he's in the "guy who's a good undercard worker" role. We NEED some characterization beyond looking to win matches. That motivation is a given.
- VIP Lounge:
I love MVP not caring about who Mustafa was before Ali met MVP. The world revolves around Hurt Business.
Ali's brave talking all that in MVP's own house.
Umm if MVP is so selfish how does he have two friends with him??
AHHHH that knock on Crews.
I liked that ending.
- Ali vs. Lashley:
That was a good start.
Oh man, Lashley's tearing him up.
Haha wow I love the 24/7 involvement. This is what people wanted, remember? Spontaniety and fun???
I like how these two work together.
Impressive work from both men.
Damn. So much for Mustafa building momentum. It was a nice way to go out, though. Lashley just caught him and it was too much.
- Dolph interview:
Hahahahah I love how it's a given Dolph won't win the title. Send this guy packing already.
- Sasha/Bayley:
Oh God we're in for a Stephanie match, aren't we?
I love their motivation.
- Asuka vs. Sasha:
Well that was a quick start.
These two can put on a clinic.
I'm very impressed with how smooth they are with these holds.
Haha Sasha's attempt failing.
This is nice.
I'm glad they're getting to show what they can do.
Evenly matched here.
This is worth checking out, for sure.
Both women look like warriors in this one.
Ahhhhh that's one way to get Asuka's attention!
Very good ending! I didn't expect Sasha to win.
- Post-match:
Great moment to put heat on the heels and fire Asuka up.
- Regis video:
I love it. I hope he goes into the Hall of Fame.
- Murphy vs. Carrillo:
These two are always solid.
Pretty solid in-ring storytelling.
I like this serving as a breather between Kairi being attacked and the main event.
Cool ending.
- Drew/Dolph:
Wow. Dolph appropriately being an afterthought.
Good fire from Drew. I don't like his chances against Orton.
Kind of an underwhelming scenario, but it made sense.
- Drew vs. Dolph:
I do like how desperate Dolph is to win. He's got real urgency here.
I swear every hardcore match has to have kendo sticks now. They must be on sale somewhere.
This is pretty nice.
I mean they're really using that kendo stick quite a bit.
I loved the running tackle spot!
They work off each other well.
I did like the Claymore counter to a Zig Zag. Dolph can be a strong worker.
That was pretty cool.
- Post-match:
AHHHHH perfectly timed!!
More wrestling coming up.
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