It's Thursday, so there are three hours of wrestling to cover. First up, in the main event of WWE Superstars, Evan Bourne comes back to the ring to face off with Epico. Will the Colons find themselves on the road to the tag team titles? And later on Impact Wrestling, Dixie Carter and Sting will address Bobby Roode, James Storm returns to seek revenge on Kurt Angle, and Jeff Jarrett teams with the TNA World Champion as they go to war against AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy. As Final Resolution approaches, who will get the upper hand?
Eden's still on Superstars, too. If Lilian's doing Smackdown, what's Chimel up to?
Ooh, Gabriel vs. Kidd. Nice.
I like that nickname for Gabriel. A little weird, but it works for him.
Whoa, whoa. No unrelated arguing in the commentary booth. We get enough of that on the other shows.
He did change from the airport to the mall.
Hey, great match going on they could be talking about.
Good work from these two, but I expected nothing less.
Very good stuff. Both have earned their spots on the roster.
Sledgehammer ladder match. This actually exists.
Another Jack Swagger match. Good by me.
Poor Trent. He's this generation's Funaki.
Well, at least he's making a fight out of it. Talented guy.
Heck of a counter into the Doctor Bomb and Ankle Lock. Another impressive showing on Superstars.
Yeah, Drew McIntyre's another guy who's seen as being on a big losing streak.
Mason's got a shot to prove his doubters wrong here.
Nice clash of styles here. McIntyre's got an upside.
I think more people would know Jones' song from "Fresh Prince of Bel Air".
Anyway, McIntyre's doing some pretty good stuff here. A real student of the game.
Good match. Ryan's not the most finessed and experienced competitor, but for a big bruiser he does well.
Looking forward to seeing Epico, since he hasn't gotten much screen time to show what he can do.
I like this trio. More underutilized performers.
Nice start.
Good back-and-forth. I'd love to see more of this kind of wrestling each week.
No complaints here so far. Epico's doing nicely for someone with so little experience on the roster.
Good commentary as well.
Nice multiple suplex spot! Shades of the great Guerrero and Benoit (in-ring!!).
GORY SPECIAL!!! Why has this guy been in FCW so long? He's got some nice moves.
And hey, Bourne's doing pretty solidly himself.
Bourne's pretty incredible. No denying that.
Nice ending. I like this feud so far.
Primo, Epico, and Rosa work well together. Good move putting them together.
On to Impact Wrestling. I'm actually cautiously optimistic about this week's show.
It's weird thinking of Sting as just a guy in a suit given his legendary career.
I like this so far. No BS or filler.
That punk kid and his disrespect! I like his brazen antics.
Damn. Where was this Bobby Roode before the last couple of months?
That was a pretty odd VGA promo.
Oh, well, we're getting Jonah Hill on wrestling regardless it looks like.
I'd totally be ok with Roode vs. Sting down the line the way they're building it now. Obviously Roode needs to look like the big star.
Joe vs. Abyss? I'm ok with this. It would have been killer in 2006 or so.
The announcers are putting over the wrestlers. I didn't think that happened on TV anymore.
I was really liking this until I saw Scott Steiner and Bully Ray. Steiner's TNA days need to be numbered .
I knew they couldn't be dumb enough to link Abyss back up with Immortal. I like where this story's going. Abyss could finally be used as a serious wrestler.
Good story set-up with Madison, Gail, and Karen. Traci wrestling's a little surprising given her Erb's palsy. Glad someone finally addressed the cameraman TNA loves to point out.
Sting's doing pretty well as the authority figure. I like that they're continuing the Garett story.
This show's a lot more focused tonight. Everything has the purpose of moving feuds forward.
Devon's on fire here. Really getting things over.
Oh shi- Matt Hardy reference.
That got me interested in the PPV match, and that was Devon's job.
Solid promo by Pope as well. Another guy I want to see more of under this new Creative regime.
Well that's certainly interesting. I wonder if they'll end up wrestling (regularly).
Here's something WWE can generally do better with: giving us a specific reason to tune in after the break.
Hey, this is working to get Mickie over as a babyface, so I guess I'm ok with it.
I'm honestly ready for them to combine the Knockouts tag and singles titles. Feels like overkill.
So many tattoos.
I like this story. Good character advancement from both men.
Garett's not bad. He's obviously not very experienced, but he fits the role of...umm... non-experienced wrestler giving it his best shot.
Yeah, I think that one went on a little too long and showed too much of Garett's limitations.
Again, good (midcard) story. Gunner's just a pure jerk here.
Hahahahaha, nice heel move by Bischoff. Well played.
And there's something you won't see in WWE. Dangerous spot.
They're setting him up for a big return. He's got a lot of potential sympathy due to the work of Immortal.
I really see why they wanted Storm as the babyface and Roode as the heel.
Angle vs. Storm will be a sight. They're doing a good job making it mean something.
What, really? I figured Storm was going to be out longer.
Strong promo from Angle.
Followed by a fiery promo from Storm.
I might have saved Storm/Angle for next month given the former's questionable medical standing. Maybe they're doing something brief to set up a longer match then since he's not 100%.
I get the feeling that that isn't going to go as planned for Karen.
Damn. This is heating up with Devon's family.
Looks like Devon's kids are being groomed for the ring after all.
I wonder how long it will be until the TNA performers get their Twitter handles on air. The graphics look almost naked without them.
Gail's better at being a heel than I would have expected given her history as a face.
Gasp! How could she turn on Gail!?
Where's Karen!?
Whoa, an inactive wrestler almost beat the Knockouts Champ.
Oh, she had to run in heels. That explains why it took her so long to get there.
That's fine I guess. The goal was to make Gail look heelish going into Sunday and they succeeded.
Nice set-up for the tag match and Sunday's main events.
Daniels is good at this role. Nice promo.
They left out the part about Sting being handcuffed to Karen. That's kind of important.
Nice pyro for Styles.
I used to hate hearing Jarrett's entrance music, because he was such a focal point on the show for so long.
I like that the World Champion comes out last, and I like his methodical, slow walk to the ring.
Not sure what it says that it looks like Karen Jarrett has more signs than any performer.
Clever interruption of the intro to get right to the action.
Thank you, Mike Tenay, for knowing the difference between rotating 180 and 360 degrees.
I like the subplot about Styles' ankle.
Roode's a pretty enjoyable character. I love his facial expressions.
Oh, Double J. You and your mocking antics.
Jeff Jarrett doesn't care about your tag team match rules.
They're fighting backstage now because they're in a cage Sunday.
Styles doing his damnedest on "one (good) leg".
And Roode goes in for the kill. I like the camera focus tonight.
And there's your set-up for Sunday. Can he pin the champ more than once?
An obvious sneak attack opportunity, but it was good for the story. How can Styles win an Iron Man match with an injured ankle!?
Overall, a pretty good show. They're doing the best they can to make me forget about how bad things have been months in the past.
That's all for Thursday's wrestling. I'll be back tonight for Smackdown. A news post will be up later in the day.
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