Today on WWE Superstars, The Tag Team Champions are back in action as they take on the new tag team of Epico and Primo. Will the Colons be able to defeat Air Boom? Then, on Impact Wrestling, Bobby Roode and AJ Styles get another five minutes to settle their unfinished business from Final Resolution. Who will walk out as the TNA World Champion? The next #1 Contender is Jeff Hardy, and tonight he faces Immortal's Bully Ray. Plus, a tournament begins to see who's next in line to take on Matt Morgan and Crimson. All this and more, plus one of the Jarretts is getting fired! Read on for my thoughts on the shows as they happen.
Well, they didn't waste any time in getting us to Air Boom vs. Epico and Primo.
(McIntyre actually got a good amount of cheers. No joke. Obvious piped-in boos on TV lately... maybe that's why?)
I like the "Cape Town Werewolf" nickname. They should run with that.
Gabriel's got some impressive, unique offense.
McIntyre's way too good to be stuck on Superstars.
Good match.
(I seem to remember McIntyre doing that motion to rile the crowd up when they were cheering him.)
Gabriel's top rope moonsault was quite impressive. I think good things could be coming from him.
(Well, some cheers made it on-air at least).
Put these people on TV, damnit!
WWE movie ads. Ugh. And still no ice cream bars?
That bike is hysterical.
(No one had any clue who that was with Hunico, even someone familiar with the FCW roster.)
Nice little match, like we always get on Superstars. We could be seeing some of these people on Raw instead of what we got this week. Yikes.
Nice innovative offense from Hunico. Talented guy. If there are more in FCW like he and Epico, I'd like to see them brought up.
And this is what Trent can do when given screen time.
(Unsurprisingly, a number of fans caught on that that was Jeff Hardy's finisher. NC crowd, after all.)
Yeah, I have no idea what he said, and I heard it twice. Very curious as to who his associate is and what he can do.
Thumbs up for that whole match/segment.
(After the match, Hunico rode his bike up the ramp and said "Wheeeeeeee!" while his associate followed on foot stoically. One of the most hilarious things I've ever seen.)
And now we're at the Raw half of the show.
Swagger vs. A-Ry!? I like it already.
I love Swagger's little victory lap.
These two also weren't on Raw. JR's rap was. Let that sink in for a second.
Both of these guys have a good deal of talent, and it's a shame that they're only on Superstars today.
What a match! We need a rematch on Raw or Smackdown.
But... didn't Epico debut with Hunico?
Looking forward to this one.
Good double-teams by the champs.
Good stuff. These guys all play off of each other well.
Wow. Nice high-flying moves. Glad they're being used in a fashion that means something instead of being thrown out rapid-fire.
Rosa's a good actress.
I'm liking this. More of that talented but overlooked undercard. The commentary's great in adding to it as well.
No ring rust for this team.
Good ending. I like where this feud's going. Nice old-fashioned storytelling.
Impact Wrestling time. They've got a heck of a show to build off of.
Wait. Is it sudden death or 5 more minutes? Why confuse people?
I think they should have put this in the middle of the show or the end so they could properly build to the big rematch.
Good story here.
Sting's costumes get weirder each go 'round.
Well, that was kind of underwhelming. All that build to Styles tapping? Weird. Something tells me this will make sense long term, like Roode losing at BFG.
Thank goodness they explained how Steiner and Abyss will at least try to get along here.
I could be reading too much into it, but I'd think that if they were firing Jeff Jarrett they would have specifically said he was the one getting fired.
Ahh, classic Steiner. I'm good with seeing it every once in a while.
Hernandez and Robbie T aren't a bad team.
Hmm, Abyss and Steiner vs. Morgan and Crimson could be pretty interesting.
This is the most character depth I've seen from Abyss in quite some time.
I like where this story is going so far. As long as it ends with Abyss being elevated, I'll be pleased.
Ha. A tattoo commercial on Jesse Neal's last day in the company.
Angle's cutting a killer promo here, but please don't tell me this is headed towards Angle vs. Sting again. Time to build for the future.
So that's why Sting's wearing that.
Interesting stuff.
Remember these guys? At least Ion stands out from the pack. Nese does look a good deal like Chris Masters. I didn't see it at first.
That works for me. Good idea to build the X-Division.
Not bad. They're certainly unique.
I'm liking Ion after this match. Glad they're presenting him as more than "X-Division guy #339". Presumably next week Nese evens things up and we see what he's all about.
Interesting. I didn't figure either Jarrett would volunteer to go home.
Good promo from Ion. I'm not 100% sold on him as a big breakout star or anything, but it's a nice start.
This is Neal's last match in TNA. They better make the most of it. I would think he'd lose in a tag team match on his way out (due to being in Ink, Inc.), but maybe this will work out better.
I like Gunner playing to the crowd and getting them into what he's doing. Then again, I see wrestling as more of a drama/TV show than others (who see it mostly as a sport).
Not a bad write-off for Neal. It felt like kind of a last-minute thing, but it got Gunner and Flair more over as heels and that was the goal.
I'm going to miss either Jarrett as a character. They're great.
Good promo by Hardy. He's growing back on me to some degree.
Bully Ray can cut one heck of a promo. Wow.
Yeah, I don't think Joe teaming with Magnus will work out too well for Magnus, but we'll see. I like that they're treating the tag team titles as important.
Fine match so far.
Whoa. I just got flashbacks to when Samoa Joe was a serious contender in TNA. I'm really liking this tournament idea; they're moving along a lot of stories at once.
Hahahaha. Jarrett's totally getting set up to be fired by Sting tonight. Way too good in his role.
And then we go to Eric Young and ODB, probably my least favorite characters in the company.
Wow. This angle's getting kind of heavy.
This is some twisted level of entertaining. Pure evil from Pope.
I picture some crazy swerve with this firing.
BS commentary.
Good enough match I guess.
Well, they got everything they could out of this angle on its last night. I hope we see both of them back on-screen down the line, as they've been quite entertaining.
Good little match-up, though kicking out of the Twist of Fate's a little much. Then again, Hardy's hurt following his cage match so maybe he can't hit it 100%.
Good story advancement here. Roode and Ray really look like big heels. Hopefully this isn't leading to Hogan coming back and helping his new buddy Sting. This storyline's pretty good as it is.
That's it for Thursday's wrestling. I'll be back for Smackdown tomorrow, and a news post will be up tomorrow. Thanks for reading!
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