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Sunday, December 11, 2011

TNA Final Resolution preview

Honestly, TNA has a pretty loaded card tonight. Anything that isn't a title match is at least a grudge match. This show could change the very foundation of TNA with some of its stipulations. Read on for how I'd book the show.

I'm going to readily admit that this isn't going to be some of my best work. I think they've booked themselves into a corner to a degree by having so many hot angles. I feel that pretty much every match tonight has the potential to continue a feud in a meaningful way, so my main goal is to build to rematches and the next steps in the feuds. This show would be poorly received because of all the screwy finishes, and realistically it would need to be edited, but here are my basic, unfiltered ideas (this is RAMBLINGS about wrestling, not "long, thought out, great ideas", so don't expect the best PPV ever). Long story short, this is going to be pretty messy, but I'll give the reasons why I'd opt to go that route.

Gail Kim would retain the Knockouts Title. Mickie would put up a fight (since she's been portrayed pretty strongly lately), so Gail would try to knock her out with the Championship to retain on a DQ. She'd be caugtht by the referee, but as he's removing the title from the ring, Madison Rayne would hit Mickie with the tag team title so Gail could win. Mickie has an "out" for losing, Gail stays Champion, and Madison continues to try to impress Karen. Mickie and Traci beat Gail, Madison, and ODB in a Handicap match on a future Impact Wrestling for Mickie to get a rematch at the next show.

Austin Aries and Kid Kash try to steal the show. Kash knows most if not all of the tricks in the book, but Aries is younger, quicker, and so on, so he eventually gets the win (possibly via a heel tactic). Kash reluctantly offers his hand to the man who outfoxed him, but Aries blows him off. Since Aries has "beaten everyone in TNA", he takes challenges from outsiders (possibly including TNA alumni and indy stars). Kash has to work his way back up by beating the other X-Divisioners week by week(starting with Ion, Haskins, and Nese because whatever happened to those guys?). So the story going forward is Aries ducking Kash, and Kash beating the others in the division to earn a title shot.

Eric Young does whatever goofy stuff Eric Young does in the TV Title match, which causes Robbie T (Rob Terry) to climb on the apron. The referee's distracted, and Robbie E does a roll-up with the tights pulled to retain. Thank you Young for having one of the most mentally-deficient characters ever. Young brings in his friend Ronnie, who beats Robbie E in a non-title match on Impact Wrestling leading to the two of them facing off at the next PPV. Hey, they're paying him for 2 more appearances so they might as well make the most of them while the iron's still kind of hot.

D'Angelo Dinero tries to show Devon's children "how it's done" in the ring, which naturally draws tension between himself and Devon. Morgan and Crimson win as they try to one-up the other man. Not the greatest tag team division angle, but it moves other things further.

Daniels tries to use a chair in his match, which RVD grabs and tries to set up for a Van Daminator. The referee takes it from him, and Daniels uses that distraction to roll him up and put his feet on the ropes to win. Feud continues.

Angle attacks Storm in his match and bashes his head into an exposed turnbuckle. Storm's not medically 100%, so I'm not crazy about him having a "real" match here. DQ, but Angle doesn't care. He continues to try to put Storm permanently on the shelf. Feud continues.

Hardy beats Jarrett, despite Jarrett's best heel efforts (no help from Karen!). Double J's "fired" by Sting as per the new stipulation.

Roode beats Styles to retain his title. He gets DQ'd early by repeatedly taking a chair to Styles' ankle (some even before the bell), but uses this advantage to score eventual submissions by ankle lock. Styles passes out despite a Herculean effort to end the match behind in the score. Roode vs. Hardy next month.

Following Styles' loss, Jeff Jarrett taunts him on future episodes of Impact Wrestling, which eventually leads to Styles convincing Sting to re-hire him so they can feud.

That's it for how I'd book the show. Later tonight, I'll have coverage of how it actually goes down. Thanks for reading!

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