Mick Foley was interviewed again in the UK. Some wacky stuff in places.
Mike Tyson briefly mentioned wrestling in his own interview.
Ryback defeated JTG on the 2/25 Raw house show. Brodus Clay has been working live events as well.
Sunday brought out more PWInsider.com questions. Here's my take on them:
1. It wouldn't surprise me. I'd at least expect them to be in cornermen at the show.
After the break, I go into everything else from Sunday, starting with why people in WWE are upset with Rock but not Jericho.
2. I'm under the assumption that Jericho's back full-time, and he's been working live events and every episode of Raw instead of just popping up when his non-wrestling schedule permits. Plus, as far as I know there isn't the feeling that he's just there to get interest for his other endeavors; instead, he's working with some of today;s stars in a way that doesn't put the spotlight mainly on himself. Jericho's wrestled for WWE on-and-off for years, and only "went Hollywood" briefly as opposed to a full-out multiple-year hiatus. That's my guess on why there's not as much if any heat on Jericho.
3. He's been on NXT and Superstars fairly regularly lately. They did drop the ball on him, but if you want to see him and show WWE that you think he's worthy of another shot, their web/international shows are the place to do so.
4's specifically for them, so I'll move on:
5. They must be waiting for a good moment to tie things in with Del Rio inducting him. That's the best guess I can come up with.
Zema Ion vs. Shannon Moore and ODB vs. Madison Rayne have been announced for Impact Wrestling.
Due to the raining out of the Daytona 500, John Cena will instead (weather permitting) perform his Grand Marshal and Honorary Starter duties on 2/27. It remains to be seen what will happen if weather changes plans again. Obviously WWE wants him at Raw that night.
That's all for Sunday's news. More to come tomorrow. Thanks for reading!
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