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Friday, February 10, 2012

Smackdown thoughts- 2/10/12

The most pompous vegan on the planet is still World Heavyweight Champion, and he's not letting anyone forget about it. Tonight, however, he's going up against someone who's been to the top of the mountain in WWE 9 times. The Viper vs. The American Dragon, tonight!

Ooh, new opening. I like it! Good focus on Orton, since Taker's probably not going to be on the show any time soon.

Glad we're seeing a big push for Sheamus. This guy can be a big star if everyone plays their cards right.

I think that might have been a subtle hint that both champs will retain.

OOH. So, maybe he makes an impact on the champ that night.

Sheamus can cut a damned good promo.

I'm a proud American, but I'm all for a future Sheamus/Barrett World Title feud. Very talented individuals, regardless of where they're from.

Good promo from Barrett as well. Another guy who should be a future headliner.

And speaking of hopeful future headliners. Good setting of the situation by Rhodes. He's got some solid vocabulary.

And then there's this guy. Hopefully his experience is valuable at elevating someone on Sunday.

How many microphones does WWE have?

Yeah, the main event's going to be Cena/Rock.

Good points by Barrett and Rhodes (though they kind of made Show seem a bit like a loser).

Time for a tag team main event.

Big segment for AJ. Glad that she's getting such a big spot.

I get the feeling we're in for a massacre of Jinder.

I like the ceremony with the headpiece.

Jinder looks pretty sinister there.

Jinder's doing pretty well standing up to the giant.

Welp. He could have looked worse. Hypothetically they needed to re-establish Khali as a force to be reckoned with in the title picture.

That kid dancing will be a .gif any second now.

Aksana's dressing more provocatively now.

Aksana needs a "Boris" to her Natasha.

HAHAHAHA. This show's crazy.

Bryan seems to have gotten a lot more comfortable in the WWE jungle compared to his awkward "Michael Cera" stage from Season 1 of NXT. This is someone I didn't think would last 6 months when I saw him there. Now he's one of my favorite characters and gaining ground as a legitimate World Champion.

No Natalya with Beth. Interesting.

An Alicia Fox match. I hate it already.

That was alright.

Everyone's just waiting for Kharma to kill Beth at this point.

Tamina's got almost an animalistic vibe to her persona now with the head tilts and the like. I like it.

Good story between Beth and Tamina. Can't wait for them facing off in the ring.

I wonder what Daniel Bryan thinks of The Lorax.

Vintage Rock pictures. Fun stuff.

Big match.

These two are a couple off-screen and were on-screen for a while, too.

Nattie's WAY too good for this garbage. Fart jokes are even low by "TV PG" standards.

I have an almost Pavlovian dislike for Big Show at this point. They're not doing anything to change my mind by having him dismantle Rhodes and Barrett.

When Sheamus, Rhodes, and Barrett show what they can do, I like the match more. Who'd have thought?

Damned impressive by Rhodes and Barrett here. They're doing their best with an athletically limited opponent.

Sheamus has got some serious fire in him.

Good match. Three of these guys really impressed me.

This could be really big for AJ.

Nice stealing the spotlight from the talent and burying her importance.

I was hoping for blindly devotional AJ believing everything Bryan said about Big Show.

Not 100% feeling this promo. AJ seems like she has stage fright or something. Could just be her voice.

WHOA. Didn't see that boldness coming from the chick who tweets about chihuahuas.

Wait. Whose side are we supposed to be on - Bryan or Cole?

Cole might have been too big of a part of this segment. But AJ could have needed some support.

Haha. It took way too long for us to get a heel in this vein. As much as some people hate the green movement and PETA, it was a natural choice.

Good facial expressions by AJ.

I LOST IT at the Prius line. Great promo from a very good character.

I'm really liking this. I hope AJ lives up to her potential once this angle's over, and they keep the ball rolling with Bryan.

They need to turn the music's volume down when he's talking so we can understand him.

This good be pretty good for these guys if the commentators talked about them instead of each other.

Great stuff. Everyone's turned it up a notch from a standard wrestling match.

The experience of Hunico's really coming into play here. He knows what he's doing.

Good fire from DiBiase. Didn't see this coming from the "rich pretty boy" character.

Yeah, this doesn't sound pre-taped at all.

Wow. Yeah, that was kind of brutal.

Looking forward to this one. Could be a pretty good contrast of styles and backgrounds.

There's definitely only one Daniel Bryan entrance in WWE today.

Both of these guys are athletic, young and "still able to go". Good to see.

Can Big Show switch jobs with Booker? He's doing a good job here.

Did someone just call Bryan "pork chop"? That's great.

Orton's a lot better in the ring than some give him credit for.

Bryan seems to be getting more comfortable in the ring (working the WWE style). He's a more fluid and varied competitor.

Thank you, Josh Mathews, for bringing us back into the match. These two are giving it their all and we're talking about commentators who rarely wrestle.

Both of these guys have a lot of fire. Bryan's got what it takes to make it here.


He took an RKO, but he walks out as a cunning, manipulative bastard. Great fight with Orton and Big Show. I like where this is all going.

That's it for Smackdown. I'll be back on Sunday with TNA's Against All Odds. A news post will be up later tonight. Thanks for reading!

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