We're just two nights from the Elimination Chamber, where Daniel Bryan will defend the World Heavywright Championship in the titular match against Big Show, Great Khali, Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes, and.... an opponent to be determined. Who will replace the concussed Randy Orton in the Devil's Playground? Find out tonight. Read on for my thoughts on the show as it happens.
Daniel Bryan standing tall makes up for them showing a Big Show match.
You'd think Bryan would get fined or something for not being there at showtime.
I like how Theodore Long's office has posters for WWE products.
Dear God. Show and Khali on the same team? They'll be unwatcha... umm unstoppable!
Khali's entrance looks like it might take all night.
Cody's got his work cut out for him in this one.
I really hope this elevates Rhodes and Barrett. What good does it do the two giants to mow down these two?
NOW we're getting somewhere with the more mobile talents getting to be on offense.
If Big Show or Khali walk out with the World Title on Sunday, I think I'd have to stop watching certain segments of Raw and Smackdown. I haven't wanted to do that in years.
$&#!@%#*&@ this #&@*#*$ &!*#%$@%.
How'd Henry make it in the building with his suspension?
Suspend Big Show! Do it Teddy! Fire him forever! I'll buy 20 "playa" shirts!
Good package on the international tour.
When's Camacho going to compete?
Kind of funny that the "thugs" are complaining about something being against the law.
Hunico's really impressive. DiBiase's doing well, too.
Nice dropkick spot.
And the feud continues. I guess maybe DiBiase will get a partner? Hmmm... if Trent Barreta and Tyson Kidd are going to be a team, maybe a face turn for McIntyre would work? Justin Gabriel would seem like kind of an odd fit.
Booker gawking over the heel manager's counter-intuitive in my book. Note they threw to break with that instead of putting over the fact that the the heel champs are going up against some face challengers.
NICE suplex spot by the champs. They're getting more fluid.
This commentary's terrible. They're talking more about themselves, each other, dancing and Rosa than the performers.
These four guys have got some good energy. I like it.
Rosa fits perfectly as a manager. Keep her there and out of the ring as a wrestler.
Nice counter to the splash.
Good match for what it was. I think there are still some kinks to work out here.
GREAT! No Big Show the rest of the night! Why stop there?
Selling another PPV on big spots and danger rather than grudges and quests for titles. There's a really big problem here. Fans grow to expect the former and not care as much about the latter.
Anyone who can get over with that music is doing something right.
I like the signs. The vegan thing's a smart thing to play off of. That's a good point about his championship belt.
Bryan looks like he's really getting comfortable in his role. A great pro can have fans on their every word without going full throttle and yelling.
I like that he's reveling in the crowd's boos. A smug snake comfortable in his own skin.
Bryan's an egotistical jerk. I like it.
They might need to make a smaller championship for Bryan.
Ooohhh. Hopefully this is a dry run for Mania (but I'm not so sure).
Take note that the crowd is into this. Heels don't necessarily care about giving you a top-flight match. Why should they? They're BAD GUYS.
Bryan's a wrestler's wrestler.
Bryan's gotten a lot better with facial expressions and the like. It's very different from the indies in places.
This is turning into a BRAWL. I like it.
Hahahaha. I love Bryan covering up.
Uh-oh. If they went to a different camera shot, something must have not gone too well.
What a douchebag (in a good way). Keep the title by any means necessary!
Are NXT and Superstars their own brands now? I don't even think WWE cares at this point.
That's got to such for the Raw performers who didn't show up to Smackdown. I never really thought about how they book people for the other show in kayfabe.
I wonder what Jinder's entrance song is saying.
If that battle royal is anything like the Rumble, Booker and Cole could end up in there. Brace yourselves.
I like the care Jinder takes for the head-wear. Glad he's getting some character advancement, because that's solely lacking with some performers.
I like that they're plugging NXT and Superstars for once.
I'd be VERY ok with Drew McIntyre making it into that match.
Derrick Bateman and Johnny Curtis just got plugged on Smackdown. Nice.
Textbook DDT by Jinder.
Good match for Jinder. He could be someone to watch out for in the years to come.
NICE video package on Snuka.
A wild Samoan and a chick who wears some kind of fox hood. Fitting.
Four unique looks here. I like it.
Natalya would make a good smiling babyface.
NICE kick by Beth. (Some) Heels CHEAT.
I hate this stupid gas gimmick.
Ooh. Not a great Samoan Drop by Tamina.
Good segment as far as getting us towards the Divas Title match.
I half expected Laurinaitis getting in the ring himself.
I liked this segment as far as making Otunga look like someone they might push.
Someone in WWE really liked '90s horror movies apparently.
I wonder how many "remember ______?" people we'll get in the Rumble.
Darren Young confirmed for being purposefully kept off of NXT. If this was Star Trek, he'd be wearing a red shirt.
Nothing says "we like you" like getting your own entrance to the battle royal.
I would have thought Young would have been first out by Titus. WAIT. I thought they had an uneasy truce now?
I half-expect a surprise entrant to clean house and win.
Surprisingly big spot for McIntyre.
Darren Young outlasted Bateman, Titus, and Percy? No way! I did like the elimination spot, though the part with him throwing DiBiase over and not making sure he was officially out was a little off.
So much for Camacho's debut.
Have I ever mentioned that I have a bit of a soft spot for big battle royal-type matches? Not that I think they should do them every week or anything.
Nice teamwork from the tag champs.
I think McIntyre or Jinder should win.
That was stupid. Why tease dissension with the tag champs this early in their run?
NICE spot by Hunico. He's good.
Great athleticism by Primo. It's a shame he was in Purgatory for so long.
Impressive work from Gabriel.
That clothesline (lariat) was replay-worthy.
Jinder might be able to make Zeke tap out, but he can't outpower him later in the night apparently.
McIntyre in the final four. Nice.
Please tell me this isn't the end for McIntyre's mini-push.
Heck, Santino's getting the crowd really behind him here.
He's Santino-ing up!
The crowd's pretty into this! I like it.
That neckbreaker was kind of scary.
Talk about your Cinderella stories.
I guess I can live with this. He's clearly over. Not that he should win the title or anything!
That's it for Smackdown. I'll be back for the Elimination Chamber on Sunday. A news post will be up shortly. Thanks for reading!
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