Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown.
I'm a total mark for Daniel Bryan at this point. He's really fired up, and it's cool to see. Orton was good as always, but Bryan's the star of the show. I'd love for him to be the "new Cena" of the company.
Sheamus vs. Cody was pretty impressive. I know the face won and all, but Cody continues to show how impressive he is in the ring, and Sheamus is clearly very polished and deserving of a top spot. At 27, theoretically Rhodes still has a ways to go before he'll be a big deal. I think he's coming along well.
Fine stuff after the match. Glad Sheamus didn't just destroy both of them. Get heat on them heels, brother.
Yeah, yeah, make fun of me for being old-school, but it still ticks me off when they just throw title matches out there with no build or advanced advertisement.
Axel vs. Barrett was solid, but it pretty much had to be with those two, right? I wonder what Axel will call his finisher now that he's not Michael McGillicutty (I liked the name "McGillicutter"). The Golden Axel?
True heel move from Heyman. Not that Axel is afraid of Miz. He just won't fight him for free! At any rate, I hope they bring up the past between RVD and Heyman when he returns. Axel working with RVD would be great for his career.
Not a bad Divas' match. I was surprised that AJ got in less offense. I'm a big AJ fan at any rate.
Aksana's just asking for punishment, isn't she? I hope she has an accelerated healing factor.
Del Rio vs. Jericho was as awesome as it always is: thank goodness Del Rio didn't tap to the part-timer. I liked the Liontamer making a comeback.
It's like an unwritten rule in WWE that Dolph Ziggler MUST get taken out at least once a week. At least now they have the excuse that he's concussed, but it feels like he's always left on his back. He's like the reverse Cena.
Ha. So much for 3MB getting one over on the former World Champ. McIntyre used to be seen as a future headliner. That was a good time ago...
Christian didn't get to enjoy his comeback long, did he? I'm down with The Shield and all, but we barely got a chance to root for Captain Charisma before he got taken out.
Wow, that was pretty harsh on Renee. I don't know if anything said was true, but Heyman threw her under a bus. BUT he's a heel and that's what he does.
They're putting Bryan over pretty well. He's taking some big bumps, but presumably he's tough enough to take them. I liked the ending and hope we're in for another round.
More wrestling coming up.
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