Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's Superstars and Smackdown.
Cesaro vs. Truth wasn't bad at all. Normally I think Cesaro should go over as the younger performer with a hopefully bright future. That said, maybe they're setting Truth up to challenge Ambrose for the U.S. Title?
Pretty good tag match to round things out for the show. We got to see Titus' power and the speed and technique of Cara and Gabriel. Young continues to be used in a way that allows others to be showcased. It wouldn't shock me if he was a big part of putting the nuts and bolts of the matches together. He's the "glue" of things. That's a valuable role to have, though it obviously isn't as glamorous as being a featured act.
You have no idea how much I was hoping for an upset there. Rollins getting the win over Kane would have been pretty nice for his career. It didn't even have to be clean. Anyway, the match itself was pretty good. I like that they actually told a story of Rollins targeting the knee.
The post-match made sense.
Kind of a clever ending sequence to Reigns vs. Bryan. I was really impressed by Bryan's offense. I hope WWE gets behind him one of these days.
I have high hopes for a Kane vs. Bryan program. I've wanted to see Bryan get a big win over Kane and be elevated for months.
The Sheamus/Sandow segment wasn't one of my favorites, but that's not really a knock on the work of Sheamus or (especially) Sandow.
Very good promo from Heyman and Axel. Short and sweet, and in true heel fashion they completely twisted the facts.
It's nice that Axel can beat Sin Cara clean, but his offense looked ineffective against HHH and Cena. It's like they want to push him, but not TOO much. If we get Axel vs. HHH at Payback, they can have Axel get a big win to make up for things. We'll see. I can't say I blame them for being a little cautious with him, but sometimes you've got to roll the dice.
Big E just beat a former World Champion! Wow. I like Big E a lot, but that's a little surprising. It's always possible that Del Rio comes out ahead in future matches. I do think it's nice that they're getting behind someone new and talented in Big E. A few disclaimers here: Yes, Big E's another "big man". No, he's not an amazing talker. No, he doesn't necessarily look like he could be a future sustainable main eventer. Given that he hasn't even been on the main roster for a year, I think he's doing pretty well for himself as it is. I'd like for him to become truly great and be championship material, but I'm willing to take things one step at a time.
Normally I'd be against Ryback destroying Kofi, but he's going to be disappearing for a while due to a surgery, so it's mostly ok.
Wow. Talk about getting massacred. I hope that was "extreme" enough for everyone. I think they could have gotten away with a little less and an ambulance spot, but I see that they wanted him to send a message to Cena.
Pretty good promo from Jericho. I like that he was somewhat serious, given who he's facing.
I think that for a loss, Rhodes looked pretty good there. I can't really complain.
Nice that the Wyatt Family gets some airtime again. Someone must have rolled their video by mistake when looking for a Cena or HHH video.
Orton vs. Ambrose certainly wasn't bad. I think Orton's really underrated in the ring by the IWC.
Bryan looked like a superhero in the post-match. Very impressive work by the former ROH star. I look forward to his future.
More wrestling coming up.
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