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Friday, June 28, 2013

Superstars and Impact Wrestling Reax - 6/27/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Superstars and Impact Wrestling.
Miz and Barrett showed why they've held titles in the big league while a bunch of other guys are killing themselves for pennies on the indie scene. They didn't need a bunch of crazy spots or weapons to tell a solid in-ring story.

Ok: I love Colter and Cesaro, but I don't know if we needed 2 promos within 2 days. It was good, but there's such thing as too much of a good thing.

Cesaro continues to be impressive. Ryder's definitely talented, and I hope his work here is also appreciated. I keep clinging to my fantasy booking scenario that sees NXT's Kassius Ohno as either a partner or opponent of Cesaro (they have a history on the indie scene). Please, WWE? I wouldn't rush it, but I think it can be done by the end of the year.

Impact Wrestling:
Fine opening segment. I'm surprisingly "into" the MEM angle.

Awesome Bully/Sabin segment. I know some people will complain that they made Sabin look like a chump by labeling him as an X-Division guy who can't hang with someone like Bully Ray, but he kind of has a point. Take away the return from injury and Hogan's endorsement and he's pretty much just another X-Division guy. I've seen him wrestle since 2004, and I don't see him as the guy to dethrone Bully Ray. Sometimes a talent doesn't show main event-level stuff until they're in the main event, so I'm willing to give him a chance, but at this point I'm not "sold" on him.

I liked the video on The Big O. I wish him well.

They continue to define the X-Division as interchangeable athletes doing big spots that barely mean anything. I'd much rather them face/work with bigger guys more often and make their big moves mean more instead of it just being big move after big move. I wonder who put the kibosh on Sabin's push? I was looking forward to see if he could pull out something big against Bully. Now he's presumably stuck in X-Division hell. If WWE ever comes calling, I'd be jumping if I was him. He's in pretty much the same place he was 8 1/2 years ago.

Cool post-match. Definitely a more interesting story now.

Hogan vs. Suicide. Book it.

I liked Howe's video as well. He's got a cool look and background.

Eesh. Both guys looked rough around the edges here. Is the Gut Check talent pool this shallow? They should have done Round 2 of Pearce vs. Magno or given Ivelisse another chance before these two.

I half-expected Bully to kick TJ's ass. I wonder where he's going from here. It would be weird for him to go back under the mask since we know who he is now.

Mickie vs. Velvet was pretty nice. I like this story.

Very good post-match. This is definitely the most I've cared about Velvet as a babyface in quite a while.

Roode in the MEM would be cool I guess? He's awesome.

If this was Russo-era WCW, it would be revealed that TJ was the guy under the mask THE WHOLE TIME. Swerve!

Roode and Magnus are too very solid workers. I hope both have bright futures in TNA.

I think I might actually be ok with Aces and Eights destroying the X-Division, given how little it means in 2013.

Ha. Good stuff with Storm, Gunner, and their opponents. I was wondering where those 3 were.

I'm interested in where they're going with Suicide.

Awesome stuff from Joe. Another diamond in the TNA rough.

Cool moment for Joe. I really hope that they're getting behind him now.

Awesome ending! Heck, I wouldn't mind if Aries did beat Bully for the Title.

More wrestling coming up.

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