Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
I'm a little disappointed that they're starting off with the Bryan/Wyatt angle, but it makes sense.
That was a nice opening contest. I think Bryan and Bray could both be top guys (Bray fitting in kind of the Kane/Big Show role), and the Usos are stepping things up.
This post-match COULD be "OMG BURIED~!" for Bryan, or it could be the next step in a bigger story.
Cena vs. Sandow was pretty nice. Sandow's at something of a crossroads where it's possible he'll break out and be a big deal, but WWE has to get behind him.
Oh, I'm ready for that main event. Kane's a nice break from the standard authority figure.
Squash city for Swagger. Show needs to look like a big deal before going up against Brock.
Not very face-like of Big Show, but it definitely makes him look like a force to be reckoned with.
I really enjoyed the six-man tag. I'm curious to see how the NAO will do as (presumably) heels. It makes sense for them to work with HHH given their history (if you ignore those shoot interviews).
Good post-match. It's not being buried to be taken out by three guys when your partners leave you.
I wish Bray Wyatt could be a guest lecturer here. He's one of the best characters in years.
I can't wait to see Emma debut on the main roster. She's a great wrestler who's also got a solid gimmick. It's kind of quirky, so I don't know if everyone will embrace it like I have.
Nice show of domination by Tamina and AJ. Emma as the plucky babyface who beats her isn't a bad idea. I'm cautiously optimistic that she could pull it off.
Even-steven booking. It's just about time to wrap up the anti-Total Divas angle.
Good enough little Kane/Orton segment. I'm intrigued by Orton vs. Batista.
I can't say I'm TOO surprised at Warrior going in the Hall of Fame, but it would have been unthinkable years ago.
I wonder if they'll address how Heyman turned on Brock for Big Show during Brock's first run. I don't see any reason to go that route this time, but I suppose the right pitch could make it work.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Kofi Kingston beat the WWE World Champion 13 days ahead of the Rumble? CLEAN? Did NOT see that one coming. The idea is that stress has really gotten to Orton I suppose. I hope this ends up meaning something for Kofi and that Orton recovers from it.
Orton just doesn't get along with Cena's dad, does he? Good post-match to take some minds off Orton's loss to Kofi.
Good match to keep building the team of Rhodes and Goldust. This angle keeps going mostly well.
I don't see Rey-Rey winning the Rumble again, as I imagine WWE is still trigger-shy after his latest break from the ring. It's kind of a shame really.
Obviously we have to suspend disbelief a bit with wrestling, but I feel like the "head scissors perfectly setting up a 619 attempt" spot's been done a bit too much to be believable. That said, it cues the crowd to expect that move. Anyway, great work from two people who work well together.
Glad they're building Del Rio as a threat now.
I wouldn't be shocked to see Kane enter the Rumble to make life hell for performers like Punk and Bryan. I'm actually kind of interested in Punk vs. Kane, even if I feel like we've seen it a lot.
The Usos have a big chance here. I hope they look like stars.
That was a pretty good main event. The Usos are growing; that's for sure.
That was kind of a surprising ending, as if WWE let the negative reaction to the angle speed up where they're going with it. I would have preferred for them to tease issues going into the Rumble, with Bray instructing Bryan to help him win. Bryan could break free of Wyatt's spell when presented with an opportunity to win the Rumble match. Say Bryan helped the Wyatts for most of the match, then it came down to Wyatt vs. Bryan as the final two. Bray would want Bryan to eliminate himself, which Bryan would refuse on his way to winning it for himself. I wonder what they're thinking here (other than maybe "Batista's winning the Rumble").
More wrestling coming up.
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