Read on for my thoughts on last night's Royal Rumble PPV.
I liked the little segment of superstars getting their numbers. I didn't like that it meant Great Khali's in the match... I hope Indian buyrates are sky-high.
I liked the opening match well enough. I'm a fan of NAO, but I'm not sure how much they'll actually be able to get out of them as champions. If I had to guess (and I do), I'd think maybe there's some kind of plan for a greater story with them as part of the Authority angle. But who would take the titles from them?
Royal Rumble:
Bray vs. Bryan was really good to start things off. I was really impressed by both men. But why have Bryan lose again? Just to spite the "smart" fans who are admittedly hijacking the show? I don't think that's going to help WWE in the long run. This is more than just the fans who already complain about everything who are upset. There's a large part of the crowd who wants to see Bryan as a top guy. He deserves a big match at Mania and this was the time to set that up. I get Bryan doesn't fit Vince's view of a top guy, but the fans are really into him. Follow the money.
I really liked Heyman's promo, too. I was kind of hoping there'd be more of a breather after Bryan's big match, but maybe they're saving the random Divas match or whatever for later.
#&$*$#&&$*!! Brock just DESTROYED Show. More proof on how every match doesn't need to be a bunch of fancy technical moves or high-flying. They told more in that segment than some performers have in their entire careers. I liked it.
Very Attitude Era-esque from Brock after the match. I'm sure this will be forgotten next time someone complains about how PG WWE is.
Good Shield promo. I'm really hyped for the Rumble.
Orton vs. Bray? I don't see why unless Orton turns face. It's kind of a shame that WWE has performers like Bray, Bryan and The Shield tearing things up, but Mania will feature even more from Cena, HHH and Taker as main eventers. All three men have earned top spots, but it's really time to pass the torch to some level.
Cena vs. Orton could have been REALLY good if the fans would have let them work their magic. By all means they have a right to their opinions and Bryan should be pushed more, but this was just disrespectful to two top athletes doing their best to entertain the crowd. Save that crap for a Great Khali match or Hornswoggle segment. The audience has really gotten out of control lately. It's embarrassing.
As for the post-match, Bray vs. Cena makes sense and COULD be pretty good if the audience doesn't try to take over the show. Hopefully Cena won't just do his ridiculous "comedy" shtick for this one. If that happens, by all means boo him.
I really liked the pre-Rumble promos. The match should be seen as incredibly important.
Kane looked hysterical. There had to have been a better idea than him wrestling in dress pants with no shirt.
Glad Alexander Rusev got to make his mark tonight. Hopefully he'll be doing good things.
I think Kofi's going to remain below the glass ceiling. They just use him for stunts and cool spots. Then again, I could have said the same thing about Jeff Hardy early in his career.
Did anyone not working backstage for WWE want to see Kevin Nash return? How does he keep getting booked?
Thank you, Roman Reigns, for taking Nash out. Hopefully that's the last we see of him during Mania season.
And there's our start to Cody vs. Goldust. I'm ready.
Miz, Fandango and El Torito in a row? Oh boy...
I'm not surprised at all that JBL got a spot. I think Creative's amusing themselves at the expense of the audience at times these days.
Mysterio's not a bad choice for No. 30, but I can't blame the fans for wanting Bryan. They could have cut The Usos or JBL or El Torito or Kevin Nash... you get the idea.
Yeah. Really not feeling that Kane run-in. I can't take him as seriously now that he's a corporate stooge.
Awesome statistic for Reigns to reach. I hope the sky's the limit for him.
I really like Batista, and it would be odd for him to make a big comeback that doesn't lead to a Mania main event with an old rival, but it's becoming increasingly clear that it's time to shift focus away from the Nashes and Kanes to the Bryans and Shields.
More wrestling coming up.
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