Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's Superstars and Genesis edition of Impact.
I liked Clay vs. Woods well enough. I would have thought the idea was to move Brodus up the ranks as a heel, but that's obviously not happening.
Good tag match. Both teams got to really show off what they can do here.
Genesis Part 1:
Really good opening segment. Magnus giving Dixie the belt was genius. TNA has the potential to really rebrand itself in the weeks and months to come.
Part 2 of the opening segment was also pretty cool. We're set for an all-out war here.
And a good part 3 to set up the match. I do think there needs to be a limit on the number of segments that aren't wrestling matches, but storyline advancement is important.
That match was insane. This is a time when it's OK for it to be a clustermess because it's a heated rivalry having nothing to do with "who the better wrestler is".
Good next step in Aries vs. Sabin.
Fine little Angle segment.
Classic good guy/bad guy dichotomy with Aries and Sabin. They seem to be doing a better job lately of cutting out shades of gray for characters. Velvet being put in a cage at ringside sounds silly and "LOLTNA"-esque, but it makes sense with the storyline.
Samuel Shaw's character is rather disturbing, which is of course the point. By no means is he a role model.
Good stuff to set up ECIII vs. Sting.
I hope Anderson and Bully Ray deliver.
That was a pretty good fight until the ending. Instead of being the icing on the cake to the match, I think it deflated it a bit. That said, they worked pretty hard to deliver a convincing ass-kicking.
TNA: where everyone's out to kick everyone else's ass. No one is safe. Tenay and Tazz better watch out.
Damn. That was one hell of a segment between Roode and Angle. I can see why they pushed the match back, as they have a lot to get through tonight.
Good stuff to set up the KO Title match.
Oh, boy. Could be something fun involved in the main event.
Nice stuff with Gail, Tapa and Madison. TNA's firing on all cylinders tonight.
I feel like that was a little underwhelming to introduce the American Wolves, but they'll presumably get a bigger rollout next week. I'm excited to see what they can do. It's about time TNA got some big signings.
That was really silly. Some Vince Russo-level stuff. I don't think ECIII should have won clean, but I don't think they needed to protect Sting THAT much.
I hope Sting doesn't kick Magnus' ass here. Magnus needs to look credible.
I mostly liked the ending segment. I just think there are more exciting things in TNA than Sting these days. Sting's had a good run, but it's time to move into a new era. Next week: American Wolves in, Sting out.
More wrestling coming up.
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