Matt Striker talked about his time in WWE, independents and more. I like the way he thinks. I can definitely see the teaching experience in what he says.
DGUSA commented on being included in the piece on the WWE website. I wouldn't be TOO shocked to see WWE reach out to indies more in the coming years as the HHH regime takes over more. We'll see.
MVP talked about joining TNA and more. My body is ready for MVP vs. Samoa Joe. I do love MVP's theme song and am glad TNA let him do it.
Everything else from yesterday is after the break.
Impact hit 1.48 million viewers this week. Not bad at all. I hope TNA keeps momentum in its favor ratings-wise. I think they're making some good improvements.
For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. The only way I can see them doing that is if WWE gets final say on everything that gets shown. They'd probably want to change a lot of things, from production details to who gets pushed. I'd say it's a small chance it happens without major changes. Even with the stipulations I mentioned I'm not o sure it's very possible. WWE would probably rather hire the talent they want from there, train them in the WWE way and have them work with other WWE stars.
2. Yeah, it's a coincidence. They don't throw that kind of article together as quickly as you might think.
3. I don't think it's going to be any kind of gimmick match, which is a shame since I know they could really tear it up. This is one time I'd be OK with the right crazy gimmick match being attached.
4. A small one. Don't hold your breath.
5. Oh, you didn't know the business was a work?
More wrestling tomorrow.
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