Read on for my thoughts on last night's Elimination Chamber PPV.
Cool promos from the Real Americans. As much as I enjoy them as a tandem, I think the time is right to split Cesaro off as a babyface.
Pretty awesome for Larry Hennig to show up, though that's kind of a babyface move. A heel would run his granddad down and vow to be more successful than Larry ever was.
Pretty good opening match. Everyone played off everyone else well. I'm really enjoying Goldust's presumably last run. I still want him to face Cody at Summerslam, though. It'd be the perfect place for a Backlot Brawl.
Solid Usos promo. I'm ready for them to go to that next level.
Elimination Chamber:
I still love Zeb. He needs his own show on the WWE Network.
That was amazing! I didn't expect anything quite like that from Big E and Swagger. The spear spot was more than a little dangerous and probably unnecessary, but it made for one hell of a visual. Good work form both men.
Bleh. Bad News Barrett. I feel like this gimmick's pretty flat right now.
Great Bryan promo. I still see him getting screwed tonight but maybe he'll finally prevail at Mania. It's been a long time coming.
Ehhh.... NAO vs. The Usos started off pretty well but seemed to end before it could really get going. I'm all for extending the feud to a big match at Mania, but this wasn't quite what I had in mind.
Funny stuff from Barrett about the fans turning on Bryan. I hope we don't have to hear too much from BNB tonight, though.
Titus vs. Darren was pretty good for a first encounter (as far as this feud goes). I hope we get a Round 2 with higher stakes.
Meh. I'm ready for Bad News Barrett to get destroyed by whomever they're going to push as the next big babyface. I think I'd even be OK with Cena taking him out.
I loved the ending to the Wyatts vs. The Shield. The whole match was a little too car-crashy for my tastes, but there was a lot of effort put into delivering a very memorable encounter. Everyone worked really hard and put it all on the line.
I can't say I was too blown away by Christian's promo. He seems like kind of the odd man out here.
I liked AJ's promo, but find it hard to be excited for AJ vs. Cameron. At least it wasn't another Bad News Barrett segment, though.
Geez. The Divas division could really use a reboot if this is what we're faced with match-wise. I think AJ and Tamina are doing the best they can with what they're presented with, though.
The BNB segment about the Network was actually clever. Maybe if they kept him in small doses?
WWE is about movies and toys and such now. I can't say I'm shocked we're seeing this segment.
Clever segment with Del Rio to start the match, but I think this crowd's pretty set in their ways. It's time to re-evaluate who gets pushed and why.
I think Del Rio worked really hard there and Batista did what he does, but I don't think there was any saving this one. I hope WWE takes note of who's busting their asses tonight and who the crowd's responding to the most.
As far as big wars with a lot of crazy spots and interferences go, that main event was truly something. I hope everyone involved gets a lot of praise from both the fans and management. As for Orton winning, I understand where WWE's going with this and Bryan was definitely protected in the loss but I think I would have pulled the trigger and gone with Bryan vs. a heel Batista for the title at Mania. HHH could have turned on Orton for losing the title to set up the two of them feuding. The fans have spoken loud and clear on who they do and don't want to be featured as top acts. It's time for WWE to make things right.
More wrestling coming up.
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