Jeff Jarrett posted the world's vaguest promo, speculated to be about his upcoming wrestling promotion. Or maybe it's about Taco Tuesday. Who knows, since it doesn't give any indication of being about wrestling (or anything for that matter).
John Cena was willing to work despite his eye injury, but WWE pulled him. WWE's in a scary situation with a lack of young, full-time guys considered top stars. It's time to readdress the strategy of part-timers and older names being the centerpieces of the product. I hope WWE's making a lot of money from performers like HHH, Taker, Brock, Batista, Kane, Rey and Big Show because a lot of people are ready for some new names thrown into the mix. With all due respect to those names, it's time for a new era. If TNA can move on from Sting and Hogan, I think WWE can weigh the pros and cons of keeping the same names in the top spots so much.
WWE has apparently been planning the Titus O'Neil heel turn for some time. Hopefully that means they know what they're doing from here on out with him and Darren.
Everything else from yesterday is after the break.
Mick Foley and Jim Ross talked about the C.M. Punk situation. Pretty good stuff from Foley. He knows what he's talking about. I wish WWE had more Foleys and less Vince McMahon asskissers. I hope WWE doesn't use this to further stifle performers like Punk, Bryan, etc. because Punk quit. WM30 is time to put a new foot forward, booking-wise. We're tired of the same acts year in and year out. How many more times can we do Cena overcoming the odds, Taker defending the streak, HHH trying to top Austin and Rock, etc. at Mania?
Kurt Angle is scheduled to undergo knee surgery soon. However, TNA booked him in angle setting up a match at Lockdown. He was under doctor's orders not to do anything physical, but gutted through the UK Impact tapings. Needless to say, he wasn't pleased at his being booked for Lockdown despite injury and went off on TNA Creative. I can't say I blame him. TNA was in a tight spot with names either leaving or being unable to attend those tapings (Hardy). They're fortunate Angle even worked those shows. I see this as another symptom of TNA needing to create some new stars so they don't have to rely on older names. As great as Angle and Hardy are, they're not going to be able to perform forever.
Of note, Lana wasn't alongside Alexander Rusev during his live event appearances. They might have just not wanted the added expense. I'm looking forward to see what the two of them bring to the table. I don't expect anything groundbreaking, but they could still impress.
The GM of the Seattle Seahawks was photographed wearing a WWE Championship. I love it.
Damien Sandow talked before Raw. That wasn't incredibly interesting.
A former member of WWE Creative talked about C.M. Punk leaving and Daniel Bryan. They definitely cut Bryan's legs out from under him. He's gotten a number of big wins (and was protected a lot in losses), but they do continue to keep him below a certain point. I think people would have still been pissed to a degree if Bryan entered the Rumble and lost. They definitely had better options than Kevin Nash, though.
Smackdown hit 3.03 million viewers again. It will be interesting to see what ratings are like during Mania season. How many times can they prop things up with appearances by part-timers?
Betty White will be the guest host of next week's Raw. That could be pretty fun I think.
For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. I popped for the Chavo reference. I don't see any way Sting can live up to the hype, though. They can only do so much in the way of smoke and mirrors. As great as it would be for historical reasons for Sting to compete in WWE, I just don't know if it would work out how people want it to. Unless they use that DeLorean from the CHIKARA show...
2. This guy... it would all depend on how in-depth you went, how far back you went, how many people you included, etc. It could vary a lot. And as often as things change in the wrestling world, it could be quickly outdated.
3. Bryan vs. HHH is definitely bigger than him going for any title other than the top title. Let's not kid ourselves here. There are a number of ways to end Mania. I wouldn't go with Taker vs. Brock as the last match, as the end focus would be on a nearly 50-year-old Taker going out on top. They could do Bryan vs. HHH early and put him in the title match, but I don't see Batista being too happy if he doesn't walk out with the title. I think the best bet might be Bryan beating HHH before Batista vs. orton headlines. Batista wins and soaks in the boos, planting the seed for a heel turn. Then, Daniel Bryan's music hits and we have the set up for Extreme Rules in Seattle.
4. Punk isn't stocking grocery shelves. He makes WWE a LOT of money and isn't easily replaceable. That's why they're going the route they're going.
5. So, the solution to the focus being on older, part-time stars is to put the focus on an older, part-time star? HBK is HBK, but that's not the right message to send.
More wrestling tomorrow.
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