Eric Bischoff remains employed in TNA as a creative consultant, though his and Russo's contract expire in less than three months. Note John Gaburick is still the head of Creative and doesn't have to take either man's suggestions. Of note, Garett Bischoff is also still under contract but hasn't been used since November.
Part of TNA's push for Eric Young is to tie in with his Animal Planet show. Season 3 stars on June 16. I can't say that's a terrible strategy. WCW did that to great success with putting their World Title on the star of a movie. Kidding. Young has a lot of experience with TNA and as such it's not too crazy for him to be champ.
It's expected Chris Sabin will be done with TNA once his contract expires. Bad Influence could end up back in a TNA ring down the line. We'll see. They're certainly well-regarded by old-school TNA fans.
Taryn Terrell should be returning soon after her hiatus due to pregnancy. I honestly felt her work was extremely overrated. She worked hard and did a lot of big bumps, but that doesn't in of itself make a great match to me.
Everything else from yesterday is after the break.
Here's the updated lineup for TNA Sacrifice:
- TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Eric Young vs. Magnus
- Tables match: Bobby Roode vs. Bully Ray
- Kurt Angle and Willow vs. Ethan Carter III and Rockstar Spud
- "I Quit" match: James Storm vs. Gunner
- TNA Knockouts Championship: Madison Rayne vs. Angelina Love
- TNA X-Division Championship: Sanada vs. Tigre Uno
- "Committed match" (whatever the heck that is): Mr. Anderson vs. Samuel Shaw
I feel like that has potential to be a really good card, but it could also go south with TNA's booking lately.
Mick Foley talked about the C.M. Punk walkout. It's a shame how much abuse Punk's body went through for him to not make it as high as he could have.
Stone Cold talked about a potential WWE return, his segment at WrestleMania XXX and the end of The Streak. I do think Austin could tear it up with both Cena and Punk. Bruno would have been an interesting addition to the WM30 segment, but he does pre-date the WrestleMania era. It was great as it was. I do think Austin wasn't fond of Hogan back when he was an active wrestler. It's great Austin can put any issues behind him now that he's in a different phase of his life. Of course Austin was drinking a beer while watching Taker vs. Brock...
TMZ is reporting WWE is warning current and former Superstars to stay away from Nancy Grace's show on HLN after her terrible segment about Warrior. Yeah, probably a good idea.
Jeff Jarrett went to New York City recently, presumably to do meetings in relation to Global Force Wrestling. It's going to take time for the promotion to fully be realized, but there are some interesting implications there if it becomes a big deal.
NASCAR's Hermie Sadler is on board with GFW. He helped TNA put on live events years back through his UWF promotion, so he could be in a similar position here. That's a good step for Jarrett. He seems like he's got a lot of business relationships helping him out.
Sami Zayn worked WWE's live events in Saudi Arabia, but the Divas notably did not. Only males were in attendance, as women were not allowed to attend. I think it's great WWE did business in the area and reached fans they wouldn't otherwise be able to reach, but there's a real conversation to be had about them going along with that restriction.
The creator of ABC's "The Goldbergs" is seeking approval from WWE to include a tribute to Ultimate Warrior on an upcoming episode. That's really cool of him.
A WWE referee nearly lost his thumb when setting up the ring in Saudi Arabia. It was sliced pretty deeply and had to be stitched immediately. TMZ has a story with pictures. DAMN. That's pretty brutal.
For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. Jarrett's promotion arriving certainly didn't give TNA any less incentive or urgency to sign talent, but some of it's just coincidental timing. I do wonder if we'll see the likes of Sabin and Bad Influence head to GFW.
2. They should definitely be cognizant of what WWE's doing and what's working and not working for them. I think that's true for just about any company in a competitive business. I also agree with what Eric Bischoff once said about being either better, worse or different compared to the competition. If you can't do it better, you should probably do something different! That said, everyone borrows from something at some point and some knockoff angles work well.
3. I don't think TNA JUST did it to rip off WWE, but there are very clear similarities and there's probably a correlation between the two.
4. Nope! AJ's taking time off and WWE's moving to Tamina as Paige's challenger.
5. What they said. There's SSSSSOOOOOOO much stuff out there and WWE can't police it all all the time!
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