Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
Dear mother of God. They really took it to Bryan in that segment, didn't they? I hope this was just because of the unfortunate situation with his dad, because that'd be one hell of a comeback to pull off. I'm glad WWE's re-established Kane as a monster who goes all out, though. Hopefully he's still got gas in the tank.
Good second part of the opening segment. Kane's definitely gotten our attention as a challenger.
Good promo by Bad News Barrett. I guess I'm in more of a tolerant mood of his gimmick right now.
Really good match between Sheamus and Barrett; they stepped it up near the end there. Barrett vs. Big E could be good for building both guys.
I'm ready to BOlieve. Honestly I'd give him plenty of video packages as there's no need to debut him just yet.
That was really cool from Bray. He has too much potential to be vanquished by Cena.
Oy. Good little break from serious segments I guess, but I didn't personally care for it.
I missed Evolution. They had a pretty cool gimmick.
Really awesome promo exchange between Evolution and The Shield. It didn't start off great, but it really heated up.
Pretty good tag team match. They're doing a good job of building The Usos as champions.
Was that the first step to a Cody/Goldust breakup? I don't know if I'm quite ready for it, but I think it could be quite good. Both men have done really good work.
It looks like we have new challengers for the tag team titles. What, you were expecting the New Age Outlaws to come back and get their rematch?
I'm OK with where they're going with Emmarella and umm... Fandayla. I would hope for a bigger push for Layla, but this is fine. I don't have anything against a lighthearted comedy act gaining traction.
I actually like the female cobra thing. Go for it.
That was much better from Cena than the previous week. Man. I can't wait to put that one behind me.
Funny stuff with having Heyman talk through the break. Clever for them to have RVD interrupt. Given RVD's limited promo skills, that was probably the right move.
God, that was awesome. Cesaro got to look really good despite the loss. If RVD has to go over, that's the best way to do it I think.
Good post-match to protect Cesaro. If the followup is good, he should still be strong.
I liked the Cesaro/RVD segment. RVD's best in small doses where he can just impress with his offense.
That was a better showing from Paige after her shorter early encounters. She's coming along well and I hope we get to see her full potential.
Good Lana promo. She definitely adds to Rusev's act.
Good squash from Rusev. He's growing on me beyond just being able to wreck people. It is WWWAAAYYYY too early to evalute him as a future main eventer. Right now I'm just looking for him to make progress and impress. He's doing that.
God#$#@ these Bo video clips are good. They're perfect for his goofy character. I really hope we get all the fun stuff he's done in NXT on the main roster.
I'm glad Cena's got to face all three members. Hopefully he doesn't WINLOL.
Phew. That had the potential to be a bad ending. The match itself was good as far as impromptu handicap matches go.
Great ending to the show! I'm glad Wyatt got heat on Cena. Keep going, WWE.
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