Sanada vs. Daniels for the TNA X-Division Championship is official for an upcoming Wrestle-1 event. Call it a hunch but I really don't see Daniels winning that one.
EC3 and Christy Hemme are in a music video. Sadly it's not a video for EC3's awesome theme.
ABC's "The Goldbergs" will air a wrestling-themed episode on May 6. Despite what the name may lead you to believe, it's about early editions of WrestleMania, not a certain former WCW Champion. Hopefully it does the genre justice.
Jeff Jarrett promoted his new venture, Global Force Wrestling. Still not a lot of info about it. There are a lot of rumors, though! Late 2014/early 2015 is believed to be the timetable for the first tapings. I'm definitely intrigued, as a lot of people are.
Everything else from yesterday is after the break.
A runner at a London marathon dressed as Ultimate Warrior. That's pretty cool. Warrior was an inspiration to many.
Big E was interviewed. I've been mostly impressed by him so far, but there's definitely room to grow as he's only wrestled about 300 matches during the course of a little more than four years. I hope the best is yet to come from the IC Champ.
There are reports of a dispute involving Jeff and Karen Jarrett and the family of IWA-MS promoter Ian Rotten. It's a shame that situation, whatever it was, happened. Rotten has had negative press for years and this situation doesn't help things. I hope everyone involved can make amends. This is one of the last things Jarrett needs with his new promotion getting started.
There's speculation of Low Ki/Senshi/Kaval returning to the TNA fold after his appearance at a recent One Night Only PPV. Low Ki won a title shot for the X-Division Championship. If he can still perform like he did in his heyday, I think I'd enjoy seeing him tear things up in their ring again.
Darren Young says he's fine on Twitter, but he was kept off Sunday's live event. Obviously Young wants to keep going and competing, but if he's hurt, sometimes discretion is the better part of valor and he needs to take time off.
Warrior's cause of death has been determined as a heart attack resulting from heart disease. While drugs and alcohol were not a direct cause, steroid use definitely impacted his health.
Former TNA Champion Chris Sabin worked his last contracted appearance for the company this past weekend. Neither side has officially commented at this juncture, but Sabin has been booked for a non-TNA show in May. I really got into Sabin this past year once he became World Champion. I thought (and still think) his reign was booked terribly.
Former FCW/NXT performer Kenneth Cameron worked a dark match for TNA. He used to be part of The Ascension with the current Konnor. I liked what little I saw of him, but his outside-the-ring problems were too much for me to justify WWE getting behind him.
Smackdown's audience was 2.72 million on Friday. Not a bad number at all.
DirecTV has dropped upcoming WWE PPVs from its schedule. I still think they're shooting themselves in the foot, but maybe they know what they're doing here.
For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. As MASSIVE of an undertaking as the Network is, it shouldn't come as any surprise that not everything is up yet. They've only scratched the surface!
2. Let's see here: Jarrett has pictures with the Beautiful People, Brooke (Tessmacher) and Bad Influence. Very interesting indeed! We could definitely be looking at some kind of bidding war going on with talents. Tessmacher hasn't been seen in five months and Bad Influence are rumored to be out the door soon, so there could be something to this. Don't count TNA out yet, but this is definitely something to keep an eye on.
3. Honestly I can kind of see it. Vince is definitely a very confident and boisterous individual and I can see him wanting Bryan to fit that mold.
4. I don't think he was really "needed" at either of those events as an on-camera presence, especially as WWE rolls over into a new era. I think we'll see him again, but it looks like for now HHH and Stephanie are the faces of corporate WWE.
5. I don't really see it.
More wrestling tomorrow.
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