Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.
Drew's character is almost TOO far on the "fans are great. I love pro wrestling" side.
I love how evil EY is, and that the fans actually boo him.
Nice setup to the first match.
- EY vs. Melendez:
EY is just mugging this dude.
That was OK. It's a shame Young had to job to someone with such little experience.
Big babyface moment for someone they're clearly trying to push.
So-so Dollhouse segment.
I like EC3 putting the screws to Jeff.
- Gail vs. Jade:
Damn. Jade's not bad at all.
Not bad. Not bad. I liked the fight the challenger put up. Now, definitely time to sell the match at BFG.
Crazy post-match. BFG could be pretty fun if they do a big Knockouts brawl.
I could see Spud getting the title in the UK in a few months.
- Uno vs. King:
Hey, didn't I just see this guy at the other promotion's show?
Nice showing by King. Uno's good for what he does. I wouldn't mind seeing him as the third Lucha Dragon or something. He needs more experience first, though.
- EC3 vs. Spud:
Really good story so far.
Fine match!
BAH GAWD DON'T DO IT JEFF!!! I like when the hero is in a tough position.
I'm pretty hyped for EC3 vs. Jeff. They've built it for months now so it means something.
Really strong promo from Abyss. He could be a threat if taken seriously.
Not a bad segment with Manik. I wonder what his own future holds.
Looks like next week finally finishes the story of Storm's career in TNA and the Revolution. It's really been a great ride.
EC3 vs. Drew should be pretty fun, especially with the Hardys factor thrown in.
- Bram vs. Richards vs. Edwards vs. Lashley vs. Galloway:
Having the five winners of last week compete for the #1 Contendership is smart.
The sooner we get past the awkwardness of seeing Bram in the ring while he's suspended, the better.
Lashley's pretty based. I hope we see more from him as a wrestler.
This is getting pretty indie with the Wolves taking over.
Good sequence pinning the former tag champs.
Not bad at all. I'm looking forward to Drew vs. EC3. I hope it continues past BFG.
I mostly liked the ending to the show. I wonder when we do end up seeing Jeff go for the title.
More wrestling coming up.
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