Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.
I like EC3 acknowledging the big power struggle angle. It should be important to him.
EC3 is one of my favorite characters in all of wrestling. It will be a damn shame if he's not on TV in 2016.
Good opening segment.
- EC3/Tyrus vs. M. Hardy/Spud:
Pretty good for what it needed to be. The interactions between EC3 and Jeff were fun.
Not a bad Galloway promo. It's not like I really care which side wins between TNA and GFW if things aren't going to change much. Imagine GFW winning, then being kicked off the air after two weeks.
I wonder if that's the last we see of Angelina given her pregnancy. She's done a lot for TNA over the years. It will be weird not having her around again.
Good stuff between Jarrett and Roode. I think that'd be a pretty solid match.
Smart segment to sell next week's big Lethal Lockdown match (that should be happening at BFG).
Just have one big match where the whole roster brawls. Most of these undercard people don't mean anything anyway.
Nice stuff with EC3 and Jeff backstage. I can't wait for them to face off (at BFG?).
- Godderz/Drake/King vs. Robbie/Micah/Uno:
So-so stuff overall. Hopefully some indie feds liked what they saw and these people get work in the future.
- Brooke vs. Gail:
I don't even remember why these two are feuding. Are they? Everything's been about the Dollhouse.
They're definitely doing some pretty impressive stuff!
Mehhhhhh. I guess it made sense to set something else up for the big TNA/GFW blowoff (?) next week. A lot of the show is a clustermess as they try to get that over as well as the feuds in place before Jarrett returned.
I did not expect Tapa to lift Kong. I'd be down to see a match between those two.
The KO division is a mess right now.
I'm interested in this special surprise. Is it the Bullet Club?
Does EC3 just assume Jarrett will keep him around as champ if he takes control of TNA? I guess he's fallen out with Aunt D so much he'd rather have Jeff in charge.
- Lee/Myers vs. The Wolves:
"Shit guys we've got to fit ten minutes of spots into three minutes!!"
Total clusterfuck. Kind of fun in that way, though. TNA might as well crash the car if it's not going to last much longer either way.
There's something sick, yet amusing about Melendez losing his leg in a wrestling match.
Based Heel EY. I hope he's on TV in 2016, too.
There's some decent heat to Shera vs. Storm. I don't care much about Shera, but beggars can't be choosers. TNA only has so many people who are staying.
- Galloway vs. Mordetzky:
Galloway, you idiot. You should have covered him after the Future Shock.
CLUSTERFUCK CITY. This is crazy.
WHY EY WHY????? Yeah I don't really care. The train went off the rails some time ago.
More wrestling coming up.
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