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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Interviews with Cena/Sting/Dixie+Jarrett+Matt Hardy+EC3, Disco as booker, Jarrett out as minority owner, gimmick matches on TNA shows, TNA-DA status confirmed, and Questions on Angle-WWE, selling, rebranding the Divas, Vince pushing POC, and giving Nikki an asterisk

John Cena talked to Larry King. He's been a big star for years now. I'd say after he beat HHH and HBK at Mania, he was solidified as a real top guy.

Sting talked about the decision to come to WWE. I'm glad the legend is in the fold, although I think people are going to say WWE blew his run if he doesn't face Taker.

Here's a second Sting interview. Of course he shouldn't be the centerpiece of WWE in 2015.

Disco Inferno did a Guest Booker DVD. I would watch the hell out of some of that. Bring this man to ROH.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

It has been confirmed that the deal that saw Jeff Jarrett return to TNA involved Panda Energy/Dixie Carter buying out his shares of the company. So, he and TNA are now officially and legally 100% separated.

It has also been confirmed Jarrett and Toby Keith attempted to buy TNA prior to the launch of GFW. In five years or so, it will be interesting to see where GFW is compared to TNA and it will be tempting to wonder if he would have been more successful buying TNA instead of starting his own group.

TNA's Halloween weekend live events will feature the Six Sides of Steel in double main events. Hopefully Kurt Angle won't be taking too many bumps in those as he finishes his run there.

Dixie Carter talked to Sports Illustrated about TNA's status, working with GFW, and more:

- The article seems to indicate DA won't be keeping TNA on the air past December, although Dixie says discussions are going on past then. 2016 looks pretty murky for TNA. Either way, it looks like TNA will at least be on DA for the duration of ROH's deal there. We could see clip shows on the network to end the year, like we saw on Spike in 2014.

- Double J spitting hot fire.

- Apparently DA is committed for January, too. Maybe they want to finish the tapings going into TNA's UK tour and aren't committed to anything airing from that tour yet.

- Cool to hear from a wrestler in the middle of things.

- I'd like to think Heyman wouldn't try to recreate ECW as far as pushing the envelope to that level. I do think he would have shifted toward younger talents.

- I think it's great the two sides got benefits from working with each other.

- EC3 is awesome, and has definitely benefited from working with veterans. Some older names are needed to make a company work.

- I'd say NJPW is a global company, too. She's got a point about TNA names going on to WWE.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. Given how Angle left, I can see why they're hesitant to deal with him again. He's a really talented guy, but he had some real issues for a number of years there.

2. There's "knocked out," then there's being hurt, but not so hurt you can't fix those things. Who would want hair in their eyes or less protection on their elbow? Or, God forbid, a wardrobe malfunction. I'm OK with it.

3. I definitely agree on that last part. They are all adults, after all. BUT, once again, they have a lot invested in Total DIVAS and other things bearing that name. You might as well tell them to stop calling their male performers Superstars.

4. Mark Henry? Junkyard Dog? Bobby Lashley? I don't think someone's race plays THAT much of a factor in 2015. Heck, Rollins is Armenian with a Mexican stepfather.

5. No, because it's a work. Talk about your potential slippery slopes.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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