Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.
Not a bad opening segment so far. EC3 vs. Galloway doesn't feel like a huge deal, but hopefully the feud continues after BFG.
I enjoyed the standoff between Drew and EC3. This could actually end up being pretty good. I shouldn't be surprised given who's involved, though.
It's a shame this is the last we'll see of Storm, but it's really been a great run.
I'm ready for the BFG main event.
- Storm vs. Shera:
Enjoyable hardcore stuff.
They're obviously really trying to make Shera important.
That was pretty cool, all things considered. Not a big Shera fan, but I think they made the most of things.
Ooooohhh... interesting wrinkle to the main event. If we get a triple threat at BFG, they could have Matt beat Drew or something to keep EC3 undefeated while still changing the title. But should they?
Roode vs. Lashley should be one hell of a match. BFG in general has some great potential work on it.
I'm not really feeling the Dollhouse/BP stuff, but it is what it is.
Pretty crazy to see Ciampa here after he's worked NXT so much lately! As far as I know, he's free to work anywhere since he's not under any kind of deal with WWE.
- DJ Z vs. Ciampa vs. Lee:
Some pretty good athleticism. It just didn't mean much of anything. Why are GFW names still working TNA after the big angle with Jeff ended?
The Knockouts are kind of running in circles.
I'm intrigued to see what ends up getting set for the BFG main event.
- Dollhouse vs. Madison/Velvet:
Everyone here worked hard. What's the next stage for these talents?
I like Young. Dude's got a lot of talent as a heel. It's a shame we had to sit through so much drek to get to this.
I doubt anyone could buy Robbie E as being able to take the former World Champ. At least not the way both are presented now. Interestingly, I think EY was in a similar position as Robbie E years previously.
They're doing a lot of protecting of Melendez like they are with Shera. I liked the segment overall.
I expect Drew vs. EC3 vs. Matt to be pretty good if that's what they're set on.
EY vs. Angle should also be great.
- EC3/Tyrus vs. Matt Hardy/Galloway:
Good action so far! TNA almost always has solid ringwork.
Nice match to set up the new main event for Sunday. There was some good tension between Drew and Matt with the blind tags, and obviously both men have their sights on EC3.
The main event for Sunday has a lot going for it. I'm looking forward to the show as a whole.
More wrestling coming up.
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