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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Raw Reax - 10/26/15

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

I wish Raw would start with wrestlers instead of talking heads.

I'm glad they're putting Rollins over at least.

I really wonder what Kane does from here. I know people have pitched Taker teaming with Kane, Reigns, and Ambrose against the Wyatts at Survivor Series. Sounds good to me.

I like the idea of matches throughout the show building to the main event. I just wonder if the talents will be overexposed.

Reigns vs. Rollins isn't super-exciting to me. We'll see, though.


- Reigns vs. Kofi:
These two work together well. There's a good contrast between what they do as performers.

Good showing by Roman. I wouldn't be surprised for him to win over some of his detractors.

I would watch Miz vs. Stone Cold.

I missed Zeb so much!

I like Owens' bravado.

- Owens vs. Cesaro:
These two can put on a clinic. Both very talented individuals.

Cesaro is ridiculously athletic.

Insane match. I'm glad both men are in WWE.

I'm not really excited about PCB. Just do what you're going to do with them already.

- PCB vs. Team Bella:
Pretty good match so far.

I wish Becky had spent a little longer in NXT honing her skills. She's talented, but she could have been saved better for 2016.

Fine stuff.

Blehhhhh. I wish they would have done a better job saving Paige's heel turn for when it could matter. It's like they weren't fully committed to it, so they hesitated and killed some time while Charlotte got her rematch with Nikki.

Enjoyable promo from Zeb and Del Rio. SO glad both of them are back.

- Neville vs. Del Rio:
Both men are top-of-the-line athletes. Great match from an athletic standpoint.

- Rusev/Barrett/Sheamus vs. Dudleys/Ryback:
Enjoyable six-man chaos.

Not bad overall. I'm surprised the Dudleys aren't being pushed as dominant.

I'm totally down for the Wyatts bringing the apocalypse and dominating Taker.

Damn. That was pretty heavy for the Wyatts.

Glad Taker's brother is standing up for him.

NICE segment/beatdown.

This should be a fun storyline. Reigns/Ambrose/Kane/Taker vs. the Wyatts would be great.

Summer Breeze is a great thing.

- Big E vs. Ziggler:
Big E's a lot of fun.

And Ziggler can wrestle like no one's business.

Solid match so far!

Are Big E and Breeze bros?

Nice match overall.

I REALLY hope Ambrose isn't going to turn on Reigns. He shouldn't.

Nice segment for Titus.

Not a bad Stone Cold cameo. Austin vs. Miz would have been something with them both in their primes.

Del Rio vs. Owens vs. Ziggler vs. Reigns:
Ziggler's my pick here unless they're going to throw us a curveball. Reigns should do the Survivor Series match I mentioned earlier.

This is pretty fun.

All four men are good workers in the right roles here.

NICE ending segment to the match. Now I really wonder what's next for Taker and Kane if they're not teaming with the former Shield bros against the Wyatts. It's possible they have something up their sleeves here, but we're just a few weeks away from the PPV.

Good ending to the show.

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