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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Impact Wrestling Reax - 1/12/16

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.
In some ways, it doesn't feel quite real that Angle's not going to be wrestling for TNA for much longer (and possibly won't end up back in WWE). He's been a regular part of things for WWE and TNA for quite some time now.

EC3 vs. Tyrus at Lockdown feels like a sound plan to me. 

EC3 is such a BASED heel. I really enjoy him. I just think it's probably time for his character to do something new.

EC3 vs. Jeff again would be great.

OH SHIT! We might actually get that match soon.

Kind of funny for Bob Ryder to get a shoutout, although I'm sure hardly anyone knows who he is.

This is goofy, but I like it. EC3 has been the saving grace of TNA in the post-Spike era. There's been a lot of great wrestling, but not a lot of great entertainment. EC3 is the antidote to that.

I'm already a fan of Shynron. He has more personality than two-thirds of ROH's roster.

- J. Hardy vs. Shynron:
This is pretty crazy. I get a little bit of a Hurricane vibe from Shynron.

Jeff probably had to keep things simple here, since it's expected he'll get another surgery.

I like the idea of Jeff having to earn his way back to the top. It makes sense.

The KO division still needs some shaking up. Adding some new faces is a part of that; shuffling the deck is only going to do so much.

Yeah, those aren't good odds, BP. Unless Lacey Von Erich and Cute Kip are going to come back to even things up...

- Sky/Rayne vs. Kong/Jade:
I wish WWE has hardcore Divas matches every so often.

That was a pretty good match, I think. It's telling Rebel and Marti weren't in this match officially.

Storm got a great deal to stay in TNA. I can't say I blame him.

Ahh, memories. Storm vs. Roode was a relaly great feud.

I like EY breaking this segment up.

Profanity is so cheap...

- Roode vs. EY:
These two are doing really good work as always.

NICE ending. Roode vs. EY has been done plenty of times, but both of them are really talented. It's not like TNA has a ton of other talents at their level they can push. I can't shake the idea this is just Step 1 toward to Shera holding the gold. We'll see.

Oh, Lord. Mr. Anderson is still a thing. He's better when he just wrestles and isn't a big part of things; his character really hasn't progressed in some time.

Awkward. Bennett already made his debut at the ONO PPV.

Bennett vs. EC3 could be interesting. I hope Bennett has a good future; I like what I've seen so far.

Oh, this is starting off painfully.
Hardy's part of things was pretty good. Anderson was OK. He's just not that interesting anymore.

They're really pushing Angle hard. He's certainly a legend and a big part of TNA's success.

Really good promo from Drew.

Do we ever get to see EY vs. Bram? That could be interesting. EY helping mold Bram as a more important player is worth giving a shot if Bram can stay out of trouble.

- Uno/Wolves vs. DJ Z/Drake/Godderz:
I'm interested in seeing how Drake and Godderz do going forward.

That was mostly good, I think.

I'm interested to see what the Hardys do in 2016.

I love the contrast between Matt and EC3 as characters.

Whoa. That's a pretty big stipulation.

DUDE. That's a really huge main event. Now I'm really interested to see what Matt's future holds. The talk at one point was his contract ending in February.

- Galloway vs. Angle:
Galloway is a really talented guy. He was just lost in the shuffle in WWE.

Really good work so far. I hope the others in the locker room are watching how to tell a story in the ring.

This is wrestling!!

Both men are really going heavy here.

I hope Drew doesn't kick out of a third Angle Slam. We're getting into overkill territory.


Really solid ending to the show. I'm excited for next week's main event, and for more from Angle.

More wrestling coming up.

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