Read on for my thoughts on last night's NXT and this morning's ROH.
- American Alpha vs. Blake/Murphy:
Jason Jordan is so much more comfortable than he used to be in the ring. He's been great in combination with Gable.
Gable's pretty fluid.
Blake isn't bad in the personality department. I can see him and Alexa being the John Morrison and Melina to Murphy's Joey Mercury, success-wise.
I really want to see American Alpha team with someone and do a spot where Jordan is shoved and their partner says "Jason... get the Gable!"
AA vs. Dash and Dawson in Dallas would be quite the match.
Good match overall. I think both teams would benefit from working with a main roster team. WWE should send Los Matadores or two of the Outcasts down here to give the NXT names the benefit of working with experienced teams.
Dana has come a long way with her promos. I'm ready to see more of her in the ring. Emma's always quite solid on the mic, too.
- Nia vs. Morgan:
Putting together two green competitors isn't a good idea. Nia should be facing someone like Blue Pants or Deonna.
Liv's not awful, just a little out of her element here.
Carmella's a good enough promo.
Damn. Enzo, Cass, and Carmella burying their rivals here. Enzo in particular was fired up.
The Vaudevillains are kind of creepy. I hope they've made good use of their time away from TV.
Bull's a fairly likable character, I think. I hope he makes good progress in 2016.
Riley looks different from when he was working with Miz. I hope he's getting a new start.
- Bull vs. Riley:
Riley's pretty solid, I think.
I think Riley can be a good addition to NXT. He's competing with a purpose.
Riley's credible as the bitter veteran out to prove himself again.
- Samson vs. Skylar:
Elias definitely seems like he knows where he is in the ring, working a methodical pace.
That was fine to smash Skylar. So far, so good with Samson. He just needs more experience at this point.
Decent Hype Bros promo to set up next week's match. They can be funny in the right predicaments.
Balor vs. Crews is going to be really great. I can't wait.
- Corbin vs. Joe vs. Zayn:
I like this combination of styles. It's good to have people with different ways of doing things facing off.
I know I say this kind of thing a lot, but how cool is it to see Samoa Joe and the former El Generico working in a WWE ring?
I think the sky's the limit for Zayn on the main roster. I don't see any reason to put him in WWE Title picture right out of the gate, but he could get a good start for himself at the IC/U.S. level.
Nice spot with Joe hitting the senton on both men.
Corbin has definitely improved from his early days.
Great stuff with Sami getting put in the Clutch and taken out of the ring. Smart move by Joe to get to Corbin one-on-one.
Everyone's giving it all they've got to try to win the NXT Title.
I'm never really crazy about the double-submission ending, but the idea of more between Zayn and Joe is a good one.
- Fury vs. Ali:
These guys are pretty "developmental."
Ali's starting to grow on me. Both names are bland so far (which I guess is appropriate for ROH).
Alright, alright, things are heating up now. I guess I'm just used to more big moves.
That was OK. We'll see how they do in the future.
I see why this show airs at midnight. Veda and Cedric are great to help someone go to sleep.
- Cedric vs. Cheeseburger:
I'm liking Cheeseburger. He's got some spunk.
Not bad. Not bad at all. Good showing by Cheeseburger in particular.
No one's going to take Cedric seriously if he loses to Gresham here.
- Cedric vs. Gresham:
I'm liking the straight-up wrestling here.
That was pretty good! They were restrained compared to the usual ROH riff raff.
Not a bad post-match to save some heat for Cedric.
Jay Lethal is SO lame. I liked him in TNA, but he's been really mediocre as a character in ROH.
LOL. Take Jay's mic away.
Cole would be a much better ROH Champion. Lethal isn't at his level as a heel.
Trust me, Adam, I'd be bored to do a promo with Jay and Nigel, too.
NICE. Cole and O'Reilly had an all-out war. These three could probably do moves for, like, what, an hour?
I really like the building of the former Future Shock partners. That main event next week should be really big.
Poor Silas :(
Not a bad promo to set up the main event for this show.
- J. Briscoe vs. Elgin vs. Moose:
HHH needs to get Elgin's number. He's not under ROH contract now.
Elgin is really strong AND he can move. He'd be a solid addition to NXT and/or WWE.
I like Moose a lot, too. I hope he doesn't try to become a stereotypical ROH guy. He could have a big future.
I'm enjoying this one, especially the stuff with Moose and Elgin.
Quite a nice match overall.
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