Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.
Nice emotional promo from Matt and Jeff.
I really think a face title run for Matt could be quite good. He's worked really hard to show he can handle that responsibility.
I wonder how big of a deal Tyrus will be in 2016. He could "injure" Jeff ahead of the UK tour Jeff can't go on, and then be a big challenger for the title.
- J. Hardy vs. Tyrus:
I wouldn't be surprised if Jeff does need more work on his leg in 2016.
Well, that was pretty quick. I wonder how much they need to protect Jeff here.
That was OK for what it needed to be. It was mainly a preview for the main event.
OOOOH, I wonder who's getting fired? FoF is classic TNA, like the old reverse battle royal and other crazy stuff.
Wolves vs. BM should be good if it doesn't turn into spotfest. I really hope it doesn't, but that's what the Wolves do.
Looks like Crazzy Steve is back in business. I'm fine with that; they need more people who are actually doing things AND they need more tag teams. They're kind of throwing things together here.
- Kim vs. Kong:
Damn. Awesome Kong's not playing around.
It's almost not fair to have Kong aligned with the Dollhouse given her dominance. They needed a new top heel for the Knockouts, though.
Gail's a good babyface. She has fire and is believable going against the odds.
That was mostly good. They had a lot of run-ins, but that's par for the course with this war.
I hope Kong crushes the Dollhouse for messing up here.
I like the efforts to revamp the tag team division. They need some new teams. They can't just sign five talented teams from elsewhere, so they're promoting from within.
Good heeling from Drake and Godderz. They have some potential.
- Beer Money vs. Drake/Godderz:
WOW. I mean, I like BM and think they should be pushed, but Drake and Godderz looked like total chumps here. Wolves vs. BM is a big feud, but they're going to need some other believable teams as well.
Don't expect Jeff to have a lot of matches in 2016 with the shape he's in.
I hope Angle can find peace after wrestling. The body can't take bumps forever.
Lashley vs. Angle is going to be really, really great.
I'm ready for Lashley vs. Angle.
I'm fine with Bennett/Maria getting a good push. TNA needs some new blood in important places on the card.
- Bennett vs. Parks:
This is mostly good so far.
That was mostly a good performance from Bennett.
I'm not really crazy about this gimmick. If people weren't familiar with Bennett from the Kingdom, it doesn't really resonate.
NICE promo from EC3. This should be AMAZING.
- EC3 vs. M. Hardy:
Oh this is going to be a war.
I'm liking this so far.
I'm really, really enjoying this. It's been built up well and they're out to kill each other.
Whoa. Is Matt turning heel here? I hope not. As great as he is as one, they need him as a face,
Dear Mother of God. That chair spot was absolutely evil.
Matt is a great dickbag heel. I guess I shouldn't complain.
The story being told here is absolutely great.
EC3 having a really amazing face moment here.
Phenomenal. They made have made EC3 a little bit too invincible, but otherwise, a really great match and story.
Based heel Matt. I'm behind this.
GOOD GAWD ALMIGHTY EC3 HAS A DAMN FAMILY. This is some really hevay shit.
More wrestling coming up.
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