Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.
I get this bad feeling Galloway's going to cost EC3 his match in the main event and we'll have to see Lashley vs. Bennett at BFG.
That was actually a pretty good promo from the Miracle. He was really on point for the whole thing.
Really solid opening segment overall. TNA's very fortunate to have Moose around to add a fresh top name to the card. It opens up some original matchups for TNA to run through in in two months.
Eli's a pretty solid promo guy. I wouldn't say WWE missed the boat on him, but I'm glad he's getting another shot to stand out.
OMG we're back with Goth Soap Opera Time. TNA has had some so-bad-it's-good content over the years (Storm pushing Mickie in front of a train, Final Deletion); they're reliable for that at least.
- Drake vs. Storm:
This is pretty solid so far.
Impressive superplex. I got Kurt Angle vibes there.
You know someone's a talented wrestler when they can get Eye of the Storm over as a serious move. That shit's ridiculous.
I would love for someone to go on an anti-alcohol tirade in a feud with Storm. I'm thinking something along the lines of Simon Dean or Right to Censor rather than C.M. Punk. I KNOW Damien Sandow could pull it off in that character, but I don't think he's interested in wrestling full-time going forward.
Good ending. I just wonder what they're going to do with Storm as champion.
Lashley vs. Storm would be good fun. I personally think they should combine the X and KOTM Titles, since they don't have a big enough roster to sustain both.
I miss when Storm was in the mix for the World Title. He's been overlooked since then.
STIFF shot at Lashley compared to Angle. Lashley should have mentioned retiring Kurt.
Storm vs. Lashley could be a WAR. I'm definitely more interested in that than Mike Bennett being in a title picture.
The Knockouts Champion is something of an afterthought; the real feud is Gail vs. Maria. I don't think that looks well for the champ.
- Gail vs. Allie/Sienna:
SuperGail about to overcome the odds DUN DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN. DUN DUN DUN DUNNNNNN.
Allie's really funny in her role. She adds something different to the division.
Fun stuff with the "odd couple" heel team.
Why am I not shocked Gail got the clean win? I would have preferred a DQ or something.
A lot of stories being told on Impact between the Hardys and Rosemary.
Storm vs. Lashley's going to be AWESOME.
I love how Matt spins everything into being Brother Nero's fault.
Banning Nero from jumping off the top rope is the right move after his showing Gathering of the Juggalos performance.
I suppose Bob Ryder's in charge without Dixie and Corgan present.
- Nero/Matt vs. Taylor/Dunn:
This is one of the craziest things I've ever seen.
I think it's telling I'd rather watch this kind of car wreck than a bunch of superkicks and suicide dives.
So this is what happens when you let the Hardys book their angles.
I was starting to wonder when we'd see Snow again.
- Tribunal/Snow vs. Grado/Shera:
Another handicap match tonight. Wow.
They're doing everything they can to make Shera a thing. That India deal is really important to TNA.
That was fun for what it was.
They're really drug this Rosemary/Bram thing out. I hope the Decay show up to make it all worthwhile.
I really have no idea what to say about the Rosemary/Bram stuff at this point. I'm getting Winter/Angelina Love vibes now.
This show just gets more insane each week!
Maybe Tyrus will help Eli get the KOTM Title back? That could be good.
- EC3 vs. M. Bennett:
I like EC3 selling that insane move from Moose earlier.
EC3 has really turned things up since joining TNA. He's been an MVP for some time now.
I'm loving the story of attacking EC3's weak points for massive damage.
EC3 going for a crossbody and Stinger Splash really hurts the "injured ribs" thing.
EC3 putting on a clinic here. He's bringing Bennett up a notch.
TNA also has a fun tradition of main events with 45 run-ins and false finishes.
Moose vs. Wolves works for me, if just for the inevitable animal references.
GENIUS to reference the ending when Bennett pinned EC3. That was well planned out.
Quite the solid main event overall. I look forward to EC3 vs. Lashley.
More wrestling coming up.
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