Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
- Enzo/Cass/Y2J/Owens segment:
Enzo and Cass are GOLD on the mic. This is really entertaining.
I like the idea of Jericho giving something of a rub to Kevin Owens. I hope KO's star is rising.
Clever connection with Owens and Cass in NXT dealing with people Owens doesn't like.
This is pretty fun overall, and none of it seems forced/overly scripted.
- Enzo vs. Y2J:
I'm liking the teamwork between the heels.
Enzo's underrated. He's not just a promo guy.
Really good spot with the rana turned into the Walls.
That was a pretty fun ending to keep the feud going.
That Summerslam match should be quite good and important.
- Foley/Stephanie/Sasha backstage:
I like the idea of Foley wanting to talk things out with Bryan regarding Orton and Lesnar.
I REALLY hope they don't turn Sasha vs. Charlotte into a handicap match. I like Dana, but that story needs to be told between the champion and challenger.
- Nelson promo:
That was a funny change of pace.
- Strowman vs. Nelson:
I guess Nelson got stage fright.
Fine squash match. I'm curious to see what Braun's first big feud will be.
Nice post-match, too. I love a good mauling.
- Puff Daddy segment:
Well that was odd. I don't even know what else to say other than New Day can make even a shill segment fun.
- Titus vs. D. Young:
I like Darren starting off with aggression. This should be an important match for the former partners.
That was mostly fun. I assume we'll get at least one longer match between these two to make up for a short match tonight. We know Darren can be an intense heel; I just wonder how far he can get in that role with Kevin Owens on the same roster.
- Rollins promo:
Pretty stiff short at Jared Leto. I can see similarities between Balor and Rollins as far as their ring style.
I loved Rollins saying the fans already know how great he is. Funny stuff.
As funny as the jab at the name at Finn Balor was, I don't think it was necessary to point out his name's fake. It's not like "Seth Rollins" is his birth name, either.
Good for Rollins to put over Balor's accomplishments while still saying Seth's the bigger mountain to climb.
Really good stuff with Rollins putting himself over.
- Sheamus vs. Cesaro:
Cesaro's ringwork has really fallen off lately, with the focus on flashy/signature spots instead of storytelling.
These two always work well together.
I'm loving the counter-wrestling. Both men know each other well.
That was a good match that could have been a lot better if we didn't have so much uppercut spam.
- Orton/Lesnar video package:
This is really great. I don't usually like the sitdown interview style, but it's produced well enough to make that format work.
All good stuff from a promo perspective. I'm excited for this clash.
- Dudleys vs. Neville/Cara:
I like the clash of the powerful brawlers and the high flyers.
Good psychology from the former 9,738 time tag team champs.
I would have believed Neville's rollup winning given the Dudleys' record in 2016.
Fun enough overall. I assume Neville and Sin Cara are just kind of hanging out until the Cruiserweight Title gets to Raw.
- Rusev backstage:
Oh, I'm SO ready for a big Rusev party segment.
- Bryan arrives:
Was traffic really bad or something? Why did Bryan not arrive until the show was two-thirds over?
- Rusev/Lana wedding segment:
I love a good "we heels live a much better life than you plebs do" segment.
This is fun. I love this act overall.
It's a shame neither Luke Harper nor Ryback are involved in this segment, since they were at the wedding itself. Not that I expected either to randomly pop back up on WWE TV.
Roman rudely interrupting what should be a happy moment for the couple.
Some of Roman's lines are just brutal.
Fun ending. Roman vs. Rusev should be pretty good.
- Dana vs. Sasha:
Both women are quite talented, and they complement each other's styles pretty well.
That could have been so much better, but it was clearly just there to set up the next stage of the storyline. I hope Dana doesn't get shafted going forward.
- Balor video package:
Would it have been so hard to say Balor's parents named him that instead of just saying it's a fake name? It's an awesome ring name.
That was a pretty good promo overall.
- Club promo:
That was an OK segment to continue the angle of preventing New Day from reproducing.
- Kofi vs. Gallows:
Another good clash of ring styles.
Another really brief match. Good for the time it had, but I'm ready for the big clash at Summerslam.
Nice post-match. It's good to see Woods fired up.
- Golden Truth/Scooby segment:
That was pretty funny for what is was. I enjoy some goofiness here and there.
- GM summit:
Clever references to Foley losing his tooth and ear. THAT'S hardcore.
I guess I prefer them getting along than randomly being at each other's throats.
I like this turning into something putting over the current, full-time wrestlers. That's a nice change of pace.
Cesaro's the latest "underutilized" Internet darling who will be cast aside in a few months for the next flavor of the month. The worst thing they could do is push him, because then there won't be the anti-establishment message of cheering for him.
- Rusev vs. Cesaro:
Someone should challenge Cesaro to a "No Uppercuts" match. He's better than a spot guy.
I really enjoy the counter-wrestling.
I like Rusev just being brutal.
Good mat wrestling.
NICE counter to the Accolade. Cesaro's strength is incredible.
Thank you Sheamus for saving us from Cesaro's moves of doom.
That was pretty fun overall.
Nice ending to the show. It was good to see the U.S. Title matter.
More wrestling coming up.
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