Read on for my thoughts on last night's NXT and CWC.
- Itami vs. Ali:
I'm a little disappointed Hideo's not at Takeover, but I think it made sense to give Almas a role on that show. Give Itami more time to get back into things.
WWE has a LOT of potential signings from the CWC, for the main roster, NXT TV, and the WWEPC.
Ali's impressive so far. He's got great agility.
I like what we're seeing from Itami in these short outings. Hopefully we see more in longer matches going forward. The cruiserweight division could be a good destination for him.
I like the idea of Carmella and Alexa picking teams of newbies to face off in their final NXT appearance.
- Women's Championship video package:
It makes sense to do a big video package selling how good Asuka is instead of her cutting a big promo. Play to her strengths and all.
-Of Mice and Men package:
Good promo from No Way Jose. I like his character having more than one dimension.
I question how far Almas can get without speaking English. Maybe it won't matter all that much if they're just going to use him as a cruiser/midcarder and don't have any big plans for him beyond that.
Heel women backstage:
Alexa burying her partners' preparation was great.
- Regal/Billie backstage:
Billie has good points about why she should be on Takeover. Not a bad promo at all.
- Carmella/Glencross/Liv vs. Alexa/Daria/Mandy:
Nikki might be a sleeper hit. She's hamming it up here in the best way.
Going to commercial during this match is probably not a good sign of how smooth it was.
Daria Berenato needs a Conor McGregor gimmick. She is pretty impressive.
This is alright to give some experience to the new names.
Pretty fun ending. Daria in particular shows promise for being so different from the other competitors.
- Moon vignette:
I really hope Ember Moon's Mortal Kombat vibes carry over to her in-ring appearances.
- Joe/Nakamura interview:
Joe throwing so much shade at Regal right now.
That was mostly OK due to Joe's performance. Shinsuke was alright, too, but this wouldn't have sold me if I wasn't already sold on the match.
- Tozawa vs. Gallagher:
I love Gallagher's style. SUCH a good break from all the flips and dives.
I'm loving the mat-based submission style on display.
OH MY GOD that tied-up ball spot. WWE's found their next Eugene/Santino.
This is genius. I want to see more fun matches like this and less "kick out of 50 big moves" matches with no personality.
What's great about Gallagher is he can be goofy but still has solid technical skills.
That was great! Tozawa's got impressive speed and strikes. I hope we see more of both of these competitors in the months to come.
- Dar vs. Lun:
I like Dar's style and mannerisms. He's definitely got personality in his performances.
Noam's experience shows. He's got a solid base.
Nice work on the leg by Noam.
HoHo's clearly got some experience himself. Not at Noam's level, though.
Dar absolutely vicious there. I'm impressed with him after this showing.
- Kendrick vs. Nese:
I definitely have sympy for Kendrick wanting to make the most of an opportunity he feels he blew when he was younger.
That was an awesome start. Nese's strikes with that level of power? He'd definitely be on my short list to use for the upcoming division.
Because life isn't fair, Tony also has agility and speed. He can be a major player for WWE's plans for the division.
Kendrick as the wily and ruthless veteran is a good role for him at this stage. That turnbuckle sequence was outright evil.
Brian Kendrick stands out in this field. I feel like I'm recommending they sign everyone, but Kendrick definitely brings something valuable they won't get from anyone else in the tournament.
WE GOT A FLYIN PREMIERE ATHLETE MAGGLE!! That was absolutely incredible.
I would have bought the Falcon Arrow ending it.
NICE Bully Choke spots.
This has really been solid.
Underwhelming ending. Nese was absolutely awesome, and Brian kind of snuck in a win at the last minute.
More wrestling coming up.
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