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Saturday, December 3, 2016

New Network survey, more on TNA tapings, Snuka given terminal diagnosis and ruled incompetent, TNA audience, Cena on SNL, Kickoff changes, ROH-NYC return set, and Questions on Sydal's future, Patterson signing books, the K in VKM, Kane's booking vs. Harper's, and how WWE likes their heel commentators

WWE put out a survey asking Network subscribers (among other things):
- favorite superstars including NXT names

- which brand they like most among Raw, Smackdown, and NXT

- whether/how often they've watched Total Bellas/Total Divas

-- I'm very interested on how the Network subscribers' tastes vs. the WWE "Universe" as a whole.

TNA will tape from January 5 and January 12, and will have a live One Night Only PPV during that time frame. I would expect we'll see at least one new face pop up for those tapings as TNA sets the course for 2017. They've got the opportunity to make some big changes going forward. Certainly they won't come overnight, but those tapings should give us a hint at how things will look for the company's future.

Jimmy Snuka testified in court via FaceTime rather than appearing in-person. Snuka was recently hospitalized after numerous infections and has been given a terminal diagnosis of cancer. The Hall of Famer isn't expected to live another six months. That's very sad. Prayers around for the entire Snuka family.

- Snuka was also ruled incompetent to stand trial. The judge will review his medical records and assess the case from there. Really, if his prognosis is that bad and he has trouble remembering what he even did, it would be needlessly cruel to continue the case.

TNA's audience this week bounced back to 338,000. So, the half of the audience that skipped the show for Thanksgiving returned.

John Cena will host SNL on December 10. That could be pretty fun. Definitely a big moment for the increasingly mainstream Big Match John.

WWE will be adding special guests to the Kickoff show beginning with TLC. The panel is listed as Renee Young, Booker T., and DJ Peter Rosenberg. That's a pretty interesting direction! We'll see how it pays off. I assume Lita and Lawler will still be around on the show.

ROH announced a return to the Hammerstein Ballroom on March 4, 2017. That'll definitely make NYC fans happy. They weren't fans of the other venue ROH sometimes used there.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. He should be back in the States Monday after accepting three years of probation.

2. Looks like he had a pretty low-key rollout. I'm guessing there wasn't a huge demand for a tour to promote the book.

3. They actually made that part of an angle about 10 years ago with the tease Ken Kennedy/Anderson was Vince's illegitimate son.

4. Basically they want to keep Kane at a level where he can beat guys like Harper/IC Title level guys and is still a threat in the main event scene. I love Harper, too, but right now there's only so high he can go as a heel/tweener behind Bray, Orton, and AJ.

5. WWE's heel commentators at times seem more interested in getting themselves over/burying talents than getting the talent over. Sometimes it's entertaining, but it takes the focus away from the people in the ring. James isn't going to "get his heat back" on JBL and none of the babyfaces are going to stand up to JBL's abuse of him, so it doesn't really do anything for Ellsworth. JBL putting over AJ as what a real champion is, etc. is very different from HE DOESN'T HAVE A CHIN MARRO.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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