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Monday, December 12, 2016

XFL special trailer, Booker eyeing non-wrestling future, Race health update, why WWE dropped pre-shows, Gulak wraps things up, new role for Nigel?, and Questions on Total Nonstop Deletion, Goldberg not taking bumps, Bryan not facing Miz, Hulk vs. Brock, and the Smackdown tag team division

ESPN put out the trailer for their XFL special. That should be really entertaining.

Booker T. recently said he plans to run for mayor of Houston in 2020. While that's a good ways off and there's no guarantee he'll win, it's worth noting in case it does it affect his future with wrestling. He'll be 55 by then, and has certainly earned a life after wrestling if that's where his passions lead.

Harley Race has been moved to a nursing home as part of physical therapy for his knees. It is not a permanent move. I hope recovery goes well for the legend.

WWE dropped the pre-game shows due to the costs involved. Namely, paying Jerry Lawler his Smackdown salary just to do those made things expensive. Lawler remains under contract through some time in January, and is expected to sign a new contract for a lesser amount. King could end up doing a show about Memphis wrestling on the WWE Network, which a lot of people would like to see, and he more or less has a job for life as the Master of Ceremonies for the WWE Hall of Fame each year. It makes sense to keep using the legend for select projects.

Drew Gulak worked his final EVOLVE match this weekend. He's now a full-time part of WWE's cruiserweight division.

ROH has removed Nigel McGuinness as their kayfabe matchmaker. He's being eyed to join the commentary team should Steve Corino head to WWE. It will be interesting to see what changes on-screen with Nigel as we progress through 2017.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. I'm sure there not being a UK tour won't stop Nero from taking some crazy bumps!

2. There's been no indication that's the case. Goldberg's in about as good of shape he can be at his age. He'll presumably take plenty of bumps at WM33.

3. If WWE books Shinsuke or Joe to fight Miz on his behalf, I think fans will be mostly accepting.

4. I almost always love questions like this. I don't see Hulk returning to WWE, much less to the ring for WWE, anytime soon, but this was really entertaining.

5. Only a few teams can be important at any given time. So, they either push Slater/Rhyno, The Usos, American Alpha, and the Wyatts, or they can push those teams. I'm OK with the choices they've made as far as which teams are winning and which ones are losing.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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