Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown and 205 Live.
-- Smackdown:
- Cena promo:
Let it go, guys. Punk's not coming back anytime soon. Even if he does, it will be because he wants to or needs to, not because people chant for him.
I was hoping fans would give Cena a chance, but I should have known better. Booing the pushed face is the super cool smark thing to do; it shows you're not a sheep.
I'd be down for another round of AJ/Cena.
PLEASE give us Cena/Taker.
I love him acknowledging the Super Cena thing.
So, did he clear that with Shane and Bryan, or is he just making himself No. 1 Contender and expecting them to go along with it?
- Miz/Maryse:
I'm glad Miz is being featured. I hope he doesn't get fed to someone like Orton or Cena in 2017.
- Orton/Harper vs. A. Alpha vs. Slater/Rhyno vs. Usos:
-- Fall One:
Rhyno just shows up and smashes people. He doesn't need to do a 450 suicide superkick to be effective.
I'm liking the New Usos. It took too long to get this version of them.
I like the strategizing by the Wyatts.
Oooooooooh Slater got caught there.
-- Fall Two:
Good work between the Usos and the former amateurs. Luke and Orton are smart to let the other teams fight it out!
That was good. Just smart all-out wrestling.
-- Fall Three:
I like the dynamic of the new Wyatts.
I'm glad this is getting good time. It's pretty good and all the teams are getting to shine.
I like the bullying of the faces here. They've had their work cut out for them.
Jason Jordan makes the most of those hot tags. I love this team.
Good psychology and strategy here.
Nice surprise win!
- Post-match:
That was good. The obvious story for the Rumble is whether they can work together when a world title match at WM33 is at stake.
- Dolph interview:
Dolph "Pin me. Pay me." Ziggler.
- Ellsworth/Carmella:
Hey, AT LEAST this isn't a continuation of Carmella/Nikki.
- Alexa vs. Becky:
Good chain wrestling to start. Bliss has really put work in.
This is good!
I'm loving the submission attempts and the clear desire to win.
I like Alexa's pure meanness.
This is quite solid. Both women are bringing their A games.
WHAT!? I thought that was Becky under the mask? Am I being Russoed?
Well that was weird. Good match, though.
- Alexa interview:
I'm going to guess it was Tamina. Works for me.
- Miz/Renee/Ambrose:
I hope Miz and Ambrose have an all-out FIGHT after all this instead of wacky clotheslines with Ambrose phoning it in.
- Nikki interview:
That was actually a pretty good babyface promo from her. It's not easy to sympathize with someone so successful, but she came across as likeable there.
- Corbin interview:
This is a nice surprise. I definitely didn't want to just see Dolph and AJ do the standard "big bumps, athleticism, and finishers" thing that's the norm now.
- Styles vs. Ziggler vs. Corbin:
I like Corbin adding a different dimension to this.
This is fine so far.
Baron's looking like he belongs. That's good.
Good aggression from Corbin, and good athleticism from the other two.
I'm really enjoying this clash at this point.
I LOVE when a risky springboard move or dive ends badly (in kayfabe). Makes things more legitimate as a fight.
Good table spot. I liked the idea they had to work together to beat The Lone Wolf.
And here's the match people wanted. Big signature moves from AJ and Dolph.
Corbin's not going down without a fight!
That was a clever ending. Nice work overall.
- Cena/AJ:
Fine to sell the big Rumble rematch. I have a bad feeling we're in for Cena winning that and Taker winning the Rumble. Talk about all your eggs in one basket.
- Neville promo:
It feels like talents are getting to be more loose on promos now. That was good.
-- 205 Live:
- Cedric vs. Nese:
Good back-and-forth to start.
Nice athleticism on display.
I like both these guys. Glad to see them here.
Really solid work.
I love Gulak being an absolute douche.
Fine for what it needed to be.
- Alicia/Noam:
Alicia's just the source of all sorts of drama on this show, isn't she?
There's something special about Noam Dar. Keep an eye on him for 2017.
- Neville interview:
I love Neville being pissed at being excluded from the cruiserweight revolution. He should be!
Neville finally feels like an important player. It took not competing with much larger stars to make that happen. I can't believe I was against weight divisions all this time. So far it's working out pretty well.
Where has this Neville been!? He's based as FUCK.
- Mustafa vs. Yurnet:
From Mr. 450 to 205 Live!
Oh, shit. I don't think he's just selling.
That was fine to make up for the sudden injury.
- Post-match:
Not bad at all. I'm ready for him to get an actual feud, though.
- Ariya promo:
I like this guy's arrogance. He's ready, brother.
Damn. So much for brotherly love.
I really like Ariya wanting to go further than 205 Live. Aim for the moon!
- Ariya/Gallagher:
Well this is something different!
I like this for all its goofiness.
Yeah, don't underestimate Gentleman Jack.
- Tajiri video:
I'm ready to see how he fits into things. Neville disrespecting Tajiri would be grand.
- Neville vs. Swann:
I'm glad this isn't a battle of who's flippier.
Neville's got a new attitude and it shows in the ring. It's good to see his transformation has gone that far.
Neville's got something to prove!
Neville still has some flip in him, but is showing he's a lot more than that.
Swann's definitely really impressive.
Don't count the champ out!
WHOA. A superplex actually won a match!!??? It IS a new era.
- Post-match:
RING THE DAMN BELL! GET HIM OUT OF HERE!!! I like Neville making a statement. A win wasn't enough. He wanted everyone to know he can have that title anytime he wants.
More wrestling coming up.
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