NASCAR's Hermie and Elliott Sadler, as well as the NHL's Jaccob Slavin, were backstage at Smackdown Live.
WWE's new TV situation was profiled:
- It will be interesting to see what the "New Fox" will look like. WWE could be a big part of the company's future.
- WWE getting a weekly studio show is pretty cool.
- Hahahaha the PG direction moved WWE past UFC. I love it.
- Smackdown Live dwarfed UFC's TV specials, too. Damn.
WWE's stock once again surged past previous records after the announcement of their new TV deals, passing $60 a share.
Dalton Castle vs. Cody vs. Marty Scurll for the ROH World Championship is officially the main event of Best in the World. I expect Cody to take the title there to make All In's main event a champion vs. champion match.
NJPW's KUSHIDA, EVIL, SANADA, and BUSHI, as well as Stardom's Kagetsu and Hazuki, have been signed for Best in the World and the following night's TV taping. It's good for ROH to be able to dip into other rosters.
Killer Elite Squad and Thunder Rosa have been booked for ROH's June 15 and June 16 events in Texas. Both events will be on Honorclub.
The Hung Bucks and Marty Scurll vs. The Briscoes and Killer Elite Squad is set for ROH's June 15 Texas event.
Silas Young has a Proving Ground match at ROH's June 16 Texas event against Jonathan Gresham, Hangman Page, Punishment Martinez, Scorpio Sky, and Cheeseburger. If any of those five men pin Silas, they will get an immediate TV Championship match. That should be fun.
Bret Hart received an honorary physical literacy degree. That's pretty cool.
The Deleters of Worlds have a T-shirt now. I'm curious how long they'll hold the titles.
Mojo Rawley promoted the Special Olympics. WWE obviously likes him.
John Cena used some trucker slang to promote his upcoming YouTube Red series.
The Memorial Day Raw dropped to 2.50 million viewers against the NBA playoffs. They had a real uphill battle.
WWE:UK revealed the full bracket for the upcoming tournament.
Fozzy has a theme song for Takeover:Chicago, as does Halestorm. Nice way to keep Jericho in the conversation.
John Cena talked about his WrestleMania 34 angle and more:
- I have a horrible feeling we're in for a lot more Taker squashes, just for the "WrestleMania moment" or GRR moment or whatever of him playing the hits.
- While obviously having any spot is better than having no spot, I see why people get frustrated when they do everything they're told to do, but stay in the same place on the card.
For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. Ha! Vince is set. If anything, he needs to listen less to the vocal minority who are going to watch/talk about the product either way. He puts on a consistent, family-friendly product. It's not the best technical athleticism ever, and it's not edgy, but that's what most of the audience expects from WWE and they keep tuning in and spending money. If the hardcore fans want to pay hundreds of dollars to chant for a UFC star and throw beachballs, Vince is more than happy to take their money. NBCU and FOX don't care about "workrate" or who's over in Japan. They want something they can sell a lot of family-friendly ads on.
2. One big difference is Brock would be happy going to UFC or staying home and farming, while Triple H wants to shape the future of wrestling. I think HHH would be fine being an executive only at this point. That said, there's definitely a case of HHH and Stephanie wanting to be prominent pieces of the public face of WWE as they continue to shape things behind-the-scenes.
3. I think we'll see that to a degree on a case-by-case basis if there's danger of talents leaving/retiring otherwise, and when they sign new talents, but there's not going to be a sudden huge pay increase for everyone.
4. PodcastOne has been accused of making false claims to inflate their own value, so people are leaving.
5. FOX can run two hours of SDL every week. They can't do that with UFC. WWE content gets more viewers and ad money, as well.
More wrestling tomorrow.
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