Read on for my thoughts on last night's NXT and ROH.
-- NXT:
- Classic promos:
I liked those quick introductions to catch everyone up.
- Ricochet/Black vs. Aichner/Barthel:
Good start.
Ricochet and Aleister could be Raw and NXT tag team champions!
I see the potential in these names.
Ricochet's a LOT of fun.
I'm liking the teamwork here.
Damn. I want to see more from Aichner.
They keep kicking this up to a new level.
WOW that springboard Frankensteiner.
Really good work. Raw and Smackdown Live can definitely benefit from this duo.
- Lee/Dijakovic:
I fully expect these two to take advantage of the departures of Aleister, Ricochet, and DIY.
- Blake/Cutler vs. Oney/Burch:
I like how this match differs from the previous match.
The Sons make a solid unit.
This is really impressive.
These double-teams are something else.
Now that was a good showing. There are solid teams in NXT/NXT UK.
- Dream/Riddle:
Pretty fun.
Ahhhh I love Dream.
- Io/Kairi:
I'm curious how Sane fits into all this.
Io vs. Shayna could be LIT.
- MM vs. Profits:
I like this start.
Tag team wrestling can be really enjoyable, and I'm glad WWE's waking up to that.
BADASS finisher. That was BRUTAL.
- DIY vs. KOR/Fish:
I'm liking this start.
All four men going hard as usual.
I love how well these names know each other.
They make crazy things look so smooth.
UE is ready for Raw or SDL.
This is really heating up.
BADASS counter to the slingshot spear.
I'm loving this. And this is just the first round????
This is Takeover-worthy.
Really cool ending.
-- ROH:
- Cobb promo:
This guy could really be someone special.
- Cobb vs. Silas:
Cobb's wrestling acumen is ridiculous.
Good showcase for Cobb.
I like Silas turning things toward a style he can excel at.
This is pretty nice.
These two play off each other well.
That was a really good ending sequence. Silas put up a fight, but Cobb showed why he's on such a roll.
- Briscoes/Brody/PCO:
NICE. This should be a hell of a fight.
- Taven promo:
Man I'm ready for this reign to wrap up. He could use a reboot.
- Cobb vs. Taylor announced:
I really look forward to that. It should be a big battle!
- Rush vs. Vinny:
Oh I like this battle already.
I like the ferocity here.
I see the hype for Rush. He's here to take over ROH.
That ref is a killjoy.
Now that was something special.
- 17th anniversary hype:
ROH is doing a good job of reminding us what matches are on the show and why they matter. They've had issues with that in the past.
- Taven/Gresham:
If this is ROH's top heel, they're in trouble.
I'm not sure what they need to do with Taven next, but this has really run its course.
- Taven vs. Gresham:
Well that ref was ineffective.
- Post-match:
Yeah they don't want any of Juice and company.
Oh wow they let Tenille talk too.
Good. Maybe this angle is almost over.
More wrestling coming up.
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