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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Raw Reax - 3/18/19

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
- Lesnar/Heyman/McIntyre.Rollins:
Heyman and Lesnar both need a long (six month plus) break. Stale barely covers it.

I mean Seth's logic did have some problems.

See Brock's smart for not wrestling before WrestleMania.

I like Drew's mission statement. It's not just about winning!

NICE. Rollins isn't taking prisoners.

Ha. Brock's not paid to take contact tonight!

- Finn/Lio:

Oh man. Lio's about to be in serious trouble.

- Lashley/Lio vs. Finn/Braun:
Haha Braun stealing the pose.

I'm loving this so far.

Lio adds a fun dimension to things.

Wow. Poor Lio. How come Bobby don't want him man??

- Ronda arrives:
I like IDGAF Ronda.

- Moment of Bliss:
OK I did like the Oscars jab.

Oh no. More Elias at Mania.

Ohhhhh man. This is bad.

I'm ready for edgy reboot Jose.

- Jose vs. Elias:
Pretty simple, but at least Jose gets to shine a bit.

Main Event worthy. I'd be DMing Cody and the Bucks if I was on the Raw roster right now.

- Angle promo:
Ahhhhh that theme song is perfect.

Oh. Wait.... Kurt, are you sure about this? If Batista can come back and get Triple H, Kurt can aim higher than this.

- Angle vs. Gable:
I have wanted to see this.

I love some mat wrestling. This is making up for Jose vs. Elias.

Impressed with this.

Ahhhhh I like the back-and-forth.

This is NICE.

Really good stuff.

- Post-match:
Yeah I don't expect Corbin to pull something like that off.

Jesus, can this be Baron's last match, too?

- Corbin/Revival/Apollo:
So-so. If this is what it takes for Crews to get a mini-push, I'll take it.

- Sasha/Bayley/Natalya/Phoenix:
Looks like The IIconics are going to tap soon.

I'm perfectly fine with Beth getting that opportunity. I LOVE the Sky Pirates, but I'd be fine if the focus is on Beth on this show.

Ooh wow. Shade from Bayley.

Hahaha shade from Sasha, too.

Not bad.

- Natalya vs. Sasha:
Fine work so far.

Nia is so much fun.

Looks like we're in for a triple threat unless the IIconics make it a four-way. Sorry Sky Pirates.

- Mojo promo:
Looks like he's prepared to have a respectable showing in the Andre the Giant battle royal!

- Ricochet vs. Jinder:
Fun so far.

I'm glad Ricochet trained so long to learn to work with top talent like Jinder.

Amazing offense as always.

Good to see Ricochet showcased.

- Rollins interview:
I'm liking this. I hope they don't snuff him out at Mania.

- Dana interview:
I liked that. The first time I've cared about Dana in a long time.

- Ronda vs. Dana:
DEAD. Good squash.

- Post-match:
I love it.

Fun stuff.

- Corbin vs. Crews:
Basic, but not bad.


- Post-match:

- Batista interview:
I mean yeah Batista was used in Evolution, then Batista broke free.

I like how Batista is framing all this.

NICE remarks about HHH's career.

- Braun/Alexa:
Oh. Well. I guess SNL's going to cost Braun the Andre win.

I'm skeptical this is the right direction.

- McIntyre/Rollins:
I love vindictive Drew.

Oh man fuck this "Joe" shit.

Ooooooooh Roman vs. Drew at Mania works for me.

That was BADASS.

I really enjoyed that.

- McIntyre vs. Rollins:
Good story so far.

As impressive as a moonsault off the steps is, it kind of hurts the narrative of a tough feud.

NICE suicide dive counter.

This is heating up well.

I like how these two work together.

Brock "4D Chess" Lesnar.

Fine to keep things rolling.

More wrestling coming up.

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