- Shield/Elias:
Wow. The Big Dog isn't wasting any time in going for what he lost.
Pleeeeeeeease someone take the title from Brock. That would show WWE is actually changing things.
A triple threat would make a lot of sense, but would it dilute Seth and Roman to both challenge Brock?
Oooh interesting that Roman's not going for the title right away.
I'm glad they're not just letting Dean back into the fold.
This is a pretty cool segment.
I like Elias wanting some of the spotlight himself.
- Corbin/Lashley/McIntyre promo:
I like these names wanting to move on from The Shield days.
Again, of all the people on the WWE roster, they're having Angle put over BARON CORBIN??????
- McIntyre/Corbin/Lashley vs. Finn/Braun/Angle:
This is good so far.
Pretty fun work here. I hope Angle's facing Drew or Lashley at Mania.
Good work!
- Post-match:
Good beatdown.
- HM interview:
I liked that setup, although a Chris Farley reference in 2019 is WAY dated.
Oh, wow. HM going big.
- Natalya vs. Ruby:
I like Ruby's aggression.
Mehhhhhhh. Not long enough to matter.
- More Lacey:
Hopefully she gets something of note after Fast Lane.
- Stephanie/SNL:
I mean I guess them being at Mania kind of makes sense.
We'll see how this goes.
- Batista promo:
Hahaha Batista just showing up for that Mania payday. Good for him.
NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO another "real name" drop. Batista must not be serious since he called out Hunter instead of Paul. I hate that garbage.
I popped for the wedding line.
There's some real emotion here.
Nice shots at Batista leaving.
Fuck this "I'm not a character" shit.
- Stephanie interview:
Oooooooh. Interesting wrinkle.
- Reigns/Ambrose:
Intrigue continues.
- HM gauntlet:
-- HM vs. B-Team:
I've missed B-Team.
Not bad to establish HM.
-- HM vs. Ascension:
Fine show of power.
-- HM vs. Hawkins/Ryder:
Fine enough. Ryder and Hawkins need to get in Cody's DMs if their contracts are coming due.
- More SNL stuff:
Sigh. Just more "WWE is wacky" stuff.
- Charlotte promo:
She's been a lot of fun in this role. I'm glad they're embracing how she's perceived.
- Dean/Seth:
I'm kind of ready to move on from The Shield and its members interacting with each other, honestly. At least they haven't added members and split into factions.
- Elias promo:
I would mark out so hard for Gritty vs. Elias.
Cheeeeeeap Heeeeeeeeeaaaaaatttttt
- Elias vs. Ambrose:
Oh wow I guess Undertaker's moves are on the market now.This is solid enough.
WHOOOOOOAAAAAAAAA didn't expect Elias to beat him clean.
- Post-match:
I love how they're not just putting everything aside and working together again.
I like how this is put together.
That was all well done.
Great setup for Sunday.
- Sasha vs. Tamina:
Solid so far.
Not bad to set up Sunday.
- More SNL:
Noooooooo. Bathroom humor.
Well at least no one urinated on themselves or anything. I guess Braun's going to be working with these two at WrestleMania.
- Ricochet/Black:
Damn they're making waves.
I wouldn't have thought of putting these two together, but I like it so far.
- Revival vs. Ricochet/Black:
Smooth wrestling here.
I'm liking this.
Oh. Well. Not very sportsmanlike, but a triple threat tag match at Fast Lane could be very exciting.
- Post-match:
That was pretty cool.
- Stephanie/Charlotte/Becky/Ronda:
I like how this has all developed.
Does Stephanie really want to mess with Ronda again?
It does seem crazy for Becky to have to earn the match AGAIN. And what's to stop Vince from changing it?
Oh I really like this version of Ronda, other than the "pretending" thing.
Now this is badass.
I like Charlotte just letting Ronda destroy her Fast Lane opponent.
That was pretty good!
More wrestling coming up.
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