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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Raw Reax - 6/24/19

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
- Seth/Becky/Lacey/Corbin:
I'm not a fan of these two being paired just because they're together off-screen, but I think they fit together well.

OK I'm liking this team.

Looks like we're in for a mixed tag.

OK this is a good extension of what we've seen previously.

That's a good match setup.

- Usos promo:
Does today's audience even know who the Little Rascals were??

- Tag team elimination match:
-- Bryan/Rowan/Revival vs. Usos/Xavier/Big E:
So which team comes to blows first?

I like this so far.

Kind of a quick victory over Bryan.

-- Revival vs. Usos/Xavier/Big E:
Solid enough.

-- Revival vs. Usos:
Pretty fun work with these two teams.

That was all good!

- Braun backstage:
Wow a tug of war. Does anyone do that after high school?

- MizTV:
Yeah I'd be thinking this was a setup for Miz to win.

Uggggggh I hate the "24/7 but not really" approach. Just say The A-Lister has security or something.

Oh joy bathroom humor.

Oooh I like that match idea.

Fun stuff. I'm fine with "24/7 but people are banned from ringside"

- Truth vs. Drake:
Hahaha poor Drake.

- Post-match:
More silliness. I'm not complaining, though.

- Baron/Lacey backstage:
I'll give this pairing a chance.

- Roman vs. Drew/Shane:
I like this so far.

Haha I like Shane's opportunism.

Whaaaaaaaaaaattttttttt. The hell is Taker doing here?

Admittedly a cool moment, but kind of a short-sighted one, since I don't think Taker's going to lose to Drew. There are a lot of other people who could have had this spotlight.

- Tug of War:
Paint-by-numbers, but it's whatever.

Well at least the action was good.

- AJ/Jose/Karl/Luke:
AJ vs. Ricochet should definitely be good.

Ohhhhhh Karl and Luke are just getting some spotlight before the Japan tour. That makes sense. I guess when July comes around they'll go back to the 24/7 Title hunt.

Not bad.

- Karl/Luke vs. Raiders:
Not bad at all.

Good energy in this one.

Good work!

- Alexa/Cross/Naomi/Natalya:
I like it.

They've done a good job with this angle.

- 24/7 shenanigans:
Heath Slater is holding gold in 2019.

Truth racking up title reigns!



Oh. Well. This is basically the R-Truth Invitational at this point.

- Ricochet interview:
That was pretty cool.

- Kofi/Sami/Owens:
Yeahhhh Sami and Kevin are getting worn out as characters.

Well at least that set something meaningful up.

- Kofi vs. Sami:
Nice work so far.

I liked the TIP counter.

This is solid!

Good enough work, although Sami is once again defanged.

- Kofi vs. Owens:
Ha. Fun for what it was.

- Post-match:

Definitely better than more Kofi vs. Dolph. Where do Sami and Kevin go next?

- Extreme Rules match announcement:
This definitely feels like "in case of emergency, ring gong" but at least it's somewhat fresh.

- Naomi vs. Alexa:
It's good to see Naomi in action again.


Fine for the time it had.

- Post-match:
Haha I'm enjoying the Alexa/Nikki story, and I think they are, too.

- Alexa/Nikki vs. Naomi/Natalya:
It does feel different to not have action during commercial breaks.

Good action here.

Nice work!

- AJ vs. Ricochet:
Ohhhh maybe we're in for AJ feuding with Karl and Luke? That could be interesting.

Good work so far.

It's fun seeing the more experienced, traveled high-flyer in there with a guy who's building his own impressive resume.

I'm liking this a lot!

That was all good, but of course it sent the message the new U.S. Champion would have had a 24/7-length title reign if he was defending.

More wrestling coming up.

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