Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown Live and 205 Live.
-- SDL:
- MizTV:
Ohhhhh boy it's this again.
Yeah this feud's getting tired. What's the end game for Miz after losing to Shane twice?
Well at least Miz is driving a wedge between Shane and Drew.
Oh. This again. The Wild Card Rule is leaving way too many people on the bench.
- Miz vs. Elias:
Well that was quick! Match time is almost always expendable in WWE.
- Miz vs. Drew:
More relatively meaningless action. They booked themselves into a corner with not wanting Drew to lose before Stomping Grounds with THE BIG DAWG.
- Shane vs. Miz:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Shane on top again.
- Sonya/Mandy/Ember:
WWE makes every character so bland and mundane.
- Bryan/HM:
WWE needs to sell replicas for those tag belts.
Fairly paint-by-numbers.
- HM squash:
Well at least one tag title gets competition on this show.
- 24/7 shenanigans:
Wow Carmella was really cutting it close with her match, huh?
So wait can Jinder pin him while he's in the box?
Wow Rambling Rabbit and Truth dying the same week.
- Carmella vs. Sonya:
I like the teamwork here.
- Alexa/Cross:
Bayley is such a backstabber!
GOD I love Alexa's manipulation.
- New Day/Dolph/Sami/Owens:
HAHAHAH that Charlotte reference.
I do like the irreverence.
Blah blah blah I'm already bored with Dolph again.
See Sami would be more meaningful if he wasn't on both shows.
Sami actually had a good point about being abused as a referee.
- Bayley interview:
- Black promo:
I'm worried he's going to end up in the same pattern as everyone else on the roster, missing a few weeks of TV and having meaningless matches.
Yeah not crazy about that direction. Now he's just a guy yelling backstage instead of cutting a cool promo. Maybe the 24/7 crew will answer?
- Bayley vs. Cross:
At least Nikki's finally being featured now.
That was nice. I'd like a longer match between the two.
- More 24/7 stuff:
Jinder was smart enough to get a crowbar AND ref, but, unfortunately, Truth would have run out of oxygen a long time ago.
- Crews/Vega/Gable:
I guess Zelina is Andrade's gatekeeper.
Hmmmm maybe we do see a Crews/Gable team.
- Owens/Zayn/Ziggler vs. New Day:
Fine enough so far.
Nice to have a match with good time on this show.
I am glad to see Big E in action again.
Ha. Heels foiled again!
-- 205 Live:
- Drake promo:
This show has the same people going in circles.
- Gable appears:
This should be fun!!! At least he's being used now.
- Gable vs. Gallagher:
Oh Chad how I've missed you.
Ridiculously smooth.
Good to see Gable motivated.
I'm loving this!
I really like how they're playing off each other.
Good God that suicide dive counter.
WHOAAAAAAA a countout win???
- Kanelisses/Drake:
Oh maybe Chad's replacing Mike? I'm ALL FOR THAT.
- Dar promo:
Ha. I don't blame them for not wanting to be stuck on this show if they can help it.
- Singhs squash:
- Nese promo:
Umm go out there and do an open challenge or something then. Geez.
- Akira vs. Humberto vs. Gulak vs. Oney:
Good work early.
Akira's fired up! I like it.
Everyone looking good so far.
I like Gulak's aggression.
There's good urgency here to sell the importance of winning.
NICE double blockbuster.
Oh what the hell Ariya.
Oh. Wow. That was interesting.
- Post-match:
I'm all for Nese saying he'll face both men.
More wrestling coming up.
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