Read on for my thoughts on last night's WWE Network special event.
-- Kickoff:
- Cage match hype:
I like them using the cage itself to promote the show.
- New Day on the panel:
Mostly fun.
- Ricochet/Joe:
Joe could eat Ricochet alive if he's not ready for a war.
- Bryan/Rowan promo:
Bryan's done a good job although I certainly wish he was higher up on the card than this.
- Shane/McIntyre:
That was good from Drew. He's a bad man.
- Nese vs. Gulak vs. Akira:
Good start.
They're working hard!
I'm enjoying how everyone's working together in this one.
Damn. Good stuff here.
Everyone looks good in this one.
NICE. Congratulations to Gulak!
-- Stomping Grounds:
- Becky vs. Lacey:
I like the fire here.
Lacey's working hard.
NICE DisarmHer spot.
This definitely feels like a serious feud.
Lacey looked good for the most part, but I think Becky winning was the right move. Save Lacey's first title for down the line.
- Heyman/Corbin:
Heyman is great at always getting attention on HIS CLIENT, BROCK LESNAR.
Corbin vs. Lesnar is an interesting idea.
- Sami/KO vs. Big E/Xavier:
Oh yeah, Sami and Kevin are motivated.
Good classic tag formula.
This is nice.
Everyone's putting in good work in this one.
I'm liking the teamwork.
Pretty good overall!
- Nikki/Alexa:
I look forward to seeing where this angle goes.
- Joe vs. Ricochet:
I like how these two work together.
This is a good story.
I like Joe's viciousness.
Nice work here.
They're telling a really good story here.
Badass win!
- Post-match:
OK that's really cool. I wouldn't really call Joe an older stale name by any means, but I see why they're elevating the younger guy.
- Bryan/Rowan vs. HM:
Bryan's a top level talent.
Great to see Bryan in here with the bigger guys. It adds a different dynamic.
There's some really good work here, too.
That was pretty good overall.
- Bayley vs. Alexa:
Fine work early.
Hahahaha classic heel move.
I liked that, but I think they probably overbooked things. It would have been much easier to just have Nikki's interference be the ending instead of Bayley winning despite Nikki. My guess is there's not going to be a rematch. Maybe Alexa and Bayley are going for the tag title?
- Ricochet/AJ/Luke/Karl:
Oooooh that's an interesting feud idea. And hey, we are seeing Luke and Karl do something that matters.
- Roman vs. Drew:
Good physicality.
Nice power here. And of course Shane is heavily involved.
Hahaha Shane's practically Drew's partner here.
This is good!
NICE Claymore counter.
This has been good. Both men have each other scouted.
Roman Reigns vs. Drew McIntyre Starring Shane McMahon.
Damn. Good work, although what's it say that Drew can't beat Roman even with Shane's extensive help?
- Kofi vs. Dolph:
Good work so far.
I like this so far.
BIG crossbody.
Both men are definitely working hard.
I loved that no rope break spot.
Nice psychology here.
OK this is really solid.
Hahahahahaha good ending.
- Seth vs. Corbin:
I mean she couldn't even win her own match.
I really hope Seth doesn't hit Lacey with a chair.
Nice enough strategy.
Seth's definitely putting in strong work here.
Pretty good stuff from Seth and Lacey.
Hahahahahahaha I love Lacey here.
OK this is a great rebound for Lacey.
Damn. Poor Seth's trapped.
I like how this all came together.
That was pretty fun.
More wrestling coming up.
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