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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Raw Reax - 1/20/20

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
- Rollins/AOP/Murphy/Owens/Joe/Raiders:
I really, REALLY like this side of Seth.

Seth sounds like a prophet. I like it.

Hmmm. I'm curious what's next for Big Show.

Oh I'm all for this eight man feud.

That was fun!

- Seth interview:
That's an intriguing title match.

- Rey vs. Andrade:
This feels like a PPV quality match on Raw.

Good story here.

I'm really liking this action.

Good use of the ladder.


I loved Rey hanging onto the title. This is really good.

Vega has really been invaluable.

That was really, really good.

- Post-match:
Good transition to what's presumably Andrade's next defense.

- Black squash:
That was great haha.

- Brock/Heyman/Ricochet:
This is a pretty intriguing setup.

Oooohh… Ricochet vs. Brock could be fun.

I love selling the importance of a WrestleMania moment being on the line.

Wow Ricochet that's bold.

Well that was interesting. At least Ricochet didn't go to Suplex City.

- Orton promo:
Pretty solid.

- Orton vs. McIntyre:
I like how these two work together.

Good physicality in this one.

I like the parallels between these two in their long careers.

Oh. Huh. Didn't expect them to get involved against Drew.

- Post-match:
OK that was cool. I like that they didn't suddenly become best friends because they have common rivals.

Randy-Drew has been built quite well.

- Flair/Becky:
More good acknowledgement of continuity.

- Becky promo:
OK that shot at Asuka's YouTube channel was pretty funny.

- Becky vs. Kairi:
I like the Kabuki teamwork here.

This is pretty nice.

Kind of how I expected it to go, really.

- Post-match:
Ha. They've built Asuka well as a challenger.

- Kabukis interview:
I love it.

- Raiders vs. Seth/Buddy:
I'm glad to see Murphy in something more important.

Haha good use of AOP, Owens, and Joe.

This is pretty solid.

The Raiders are a heck of a team.

I'm enjoying this new team.

That was very good! I'm intrigued with this direction.

- Seth interview:
This is just what Seth needed.

- Profits/Truth:
Well that was interesting.

- Rowan vs. M. Hardy:
Honestly I'm kind of amused by Matt jobbing out the rest of his WWE contract since I have to see so many news alerts about him uploading new videos.

Rowan vs. whatever's in that cage is the feud of the year so far.

- Owens/Joe:
Good to see they're looking at going after the tag title.

Nice sell for them being in the Rumble together. I'm enjoying the complexity of characters not all getting along just because they're "on the same side."

- Mojo/Singhs:
Wow a 24/7 Title feud with no R-Truth. This doesn't feel real!

- Lana promo:
I'm very curious where this goes.

- Lashley/Lana vs. Rusev/Liv:
Lana and Liv are main eventing Raw. Not sure what to make of that.

Not bad.

Eh. Not terrible overall. I'd be surprised if this is the end of things, though.

More wrestling coming up.

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