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Monday, October 26, 2020

Hell in a Cell Reax

 Read on for my thoughts on last night's WWE Network special event.

-- Kickoff:

- Heyman interview:

That was good. Making the loser your servant is very soap opera-y.

- HIAC panel:

It's really telling every time there's a HIAC match someone has to bring up Mick Foley.

- Jeff interview:

Fine enough.

- Truth:

Wow it's an Impact reunion out here!

More silliness.

I could see Gulak winning!

- Elias:

Feels like the same old, same old.

- Miz/JoMo:

I am so ready for this feud to end.

I could actually see Miz randomly leaving with the title.

- Truth vs. Gulak:

This could actually be a really funny tag team.

Gulak is so technically skilled.

Fun ending!

- Post-match:

More silliness, but at least it was more entertaining than the Miz and JoMo stuff has been.

- Ali promo:

I loved the shot at corporations. That was clever.

-- HIAC:

- Roman vs. Jey:

This story has been really good.

Good psychology here. Jey is the underdog with a lot to prove.

Roman is just outright unconscionable. 

Good stuff with the strap.

Yeah might as well be an I Quit Strap Match inside Hell in a Cell at Thunderdome.

Damn choking a man out with a strap is pretty brutal.

This is cool as hell. I love Roman's submission.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Roman ending the referee for not making Jey quit.

This is a badass moment.


Very, very good.

- Post-match:

Wow. That was very cool. A little surprised they're on his side after all that.

- Elias promo:

Man it's a shame we went from something so great to something so stale.

- Elias vs. Jeff:

Not in love with this match. 

Action is pretty solid.

Wow, I hope he doesn't regret now trying to pin him after the Twist of Fate.


- HM interview:

Very, very ready for this to end.

- Otis vs. Miz:

I would have popped for a six second squash.

OK story of an indestructible wall.

Basic story being really stretched out here.

They're definitely throwing all the bells and whistles into this one.


- Post-match:

Yes, it was absolutely worth ending Heavy Machinery.

I'd be fine with Miz as champion if the stars align.

I couldn't care much less about Tucker vs. Otis.

- Bayley vs. Sasha:

Oh I like this already.

No feeling out process here.

This is chaotic! I like it!

Sasha's having a big match here.

This is pretty good.

I swear if WWE ever runs out of kendo sticks, they're in trouble.

They're having a WAR.

Absolutely wild.

This was absolutely worth being in HIAC.

Very, very good match here.

I like the tenacity here.

Yeah might as well have a TLC HIAC match In ThunderDome too!

One hell of a match. DAMN.

- Business promo:

That was good!

- Lashley vs. Slapjack:

Yeah they've neutralized RETRIBUTION. I can't say I'm surprised, though. They were attacking crowd members and tearing up an empty ring.

Cool ending.

- Post-match:

I guess we're in for this wrapping up at Survivor Series.

- Drew vs. Orton:

Good to have one cell match start outside the cell.

This is good.

I'm enjoying this all around.

Two rough dudes battering each other. I like it.

NICE suplex through the table.

I mean, the whole point of the cell is to lock someone in, right???

Oh no. Something crazy's about to happen up there.

Someone's pretty much got to take a big announce table bump every year.

There's a great story here with Orton looking to capitalize on that table fall.

Very good match!

More wrestling coming up. 

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